Member Since: 11/29/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Daniel Cartledge - King Dan
Reggae style bass player/ Promotions & Bookings
Elliot Mango - LShuffle
Reggae style drummer/ Recording Engineer
Influences: Robbie & Sly, August Pablo, Bob Marley, Junior Brathwaite, Peter Tosh and Bunny Livingston.
Sounds Like: Roots is the name given to specifically Rastafarian reggae music. It is a spiritual type of music, whose lyrics are predominantly in praise of Jah (God). The songs often include the exclaimation "Rastafari", meaning 'Prince Tafari', which refers to the birth name of Haile Selassie of Ethiopia – the religious symbol for God incarnate among the Rastafari movement.
Roots reggae was an important part of Jamaican culture, and whilst other forms of reggae have replaced it in terms of popularity in Jamaica (Dancehall for instance), roots reggae has found a small, but growing, niche globally.
Record Label: Creation Recordings
Type of Label: Indie