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I'm a renaissance woman...I say that because I'm a singer, dancer, actress, model, artisit, and writer. I'm also a wife and mother of a 2 year old girl, Nahjah and I'm very busy trying to make it in the entertainment industry. My spare time is used as being a vocal coach and manager for two artisit not including myself and occassionally taking a nap! I'm a network engineer by day and an entertainer for the rest of the day. I've sang for the late Pope John Paull III and I've traveled to and fro performing broadway plays and etc. My next big goal other than my music is to take the fashion world by st orm.What part of New Orleans are you from?
You are either a preppy female or a GQ dressing male. You are close to baller-status and don't have a problem solving it. You may have people on the Eastbank but their problem is paying that dollar to get back home threw the toll tag. You are driven and know what you want out of life. Your family is very supportive, but you tend to have most friends in the other New Orleans areas.
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