Q. Ledbetter profile picture

Q. Ledbetter

i read the news today, oh boy

About Me

W.E. (Without Exception) are
only conscious when we dream.
I am a digital photographer.
I create music.
I used to be a nerd, but now I'm a nerd who looks
somewhat cool from a distance.
Sometimes I parade as a poet, but only in extreme
emotional and introspective times.
Contrary to what many of you may presume, Astro
Physics is not the science of building football
fields in outer space. Aren't you glad I explained
that to you before you chose your major in college?
Try majoring in Business Administration which
teaches people how to make love like champions;
since Business Administration focuses on teaching
people how to "administer the business".
Fighting fire with fire only creates bigger fires.
Eventually, someone is going to get burned.
Blame = poor justification for not trying hard enough.
Under no circumstances will I physically fight anyone.
I love my family (and those considered) far more
than I love myself.
I don't tell my family (and those considered) that
I love them as often as I should.
I am terribly Asthmatic.
I work hard and don't play enough.
I don't sleep nearly as much as I should.
I only lie when I need to.
I'm a terrible liar.
I am quite the goodie-two-shoes.
I have never consumed alcohol in my life.
I have never smoked or done any sort of drug
in my life...besides Asthma and sinus medication.
There is always a brightside (even if it comes down
to still being alive).
I'm stubborn.
I'm not narcissistic; contrary to what this bio would
lead you to assume.
I am not sure how to spell 'narcissistic'.
People who eat and enjoy rice cakes confuse me.
Whoever invented Cinnamon Toast Crunch is A-Okay
in my book.
Middle school was the worst. High school was forgettable.
College was lonely. I came into the real world to
discover that nothing is real here.
Children are far more perceptive than adults.
The only thing I know for sure in life is that there is a
Sometimes my faith is weak.
Sometimes faith is all I have.
People do not seem to understand that before this,
there was more.
People do not seem to understand that after this,
there is more.
I think the concept of creation and the afterlife is far
more complex than what I have been lead to believe.
If you were to ask someone to tell you about GOD,
they'll more than likely tell you about their religion
instead; that is why its best to find GOD on your own.
Lets skip and hold hands.
Looks play a significant role in my attraction to a woman,
however, an outstanding personality can make
ANYONE sexy.
I love you...and I mean that from the bottom of
everything I have.
Sometimes BET (Black Entertainment Television) makes
me embarassed to be black.
Going to night clubs makes me embarassed to be human.
Women say they want nice guys in their life and
never give them a chance, so I feel only a
small amount of remorse for women in
bad relationships.
I'm really shy.
Spiders are no friend of mine.
America should offer free HealthCare. Taxes would
raise significantly, but it is worth it to save lives.
Drink more water.
It doesn't matter if it says "diet" soda; its still bad
for you.
I know absolutely NOTHING about sports.
Cars don't excite me.
If you play the name game with the name of someone
who intimidates you, it will make them appear to be
not so intimidating. Try it.
I daydream so often that I am rarely sure what has
actually happened and what I just imagined.
Saul Williams is my favorite writer.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X are tied for
being the most powerful leaders that this world
has ever seen.
I'm more spiritual than religious. I'm not sure
what that means.
I have the best parents in the world.
I don't give my parents the respect they deserve.
Vegetables suck. No really. They taste terrible.
Fruit is alright, though.
Lets be real with each other. EVERYONE picks
their nose.
The music industry is corrupt. The myths are true.
I think there are aliens in outer space, some where.
Did you know that well over half of the Earth has
never been seen nor explored?! There could be
civilizations we don't know about! Doesn't that excite you?!
The world is getting dumb and dumber at a rapid
pace. I'm very afraid.
Important information is best served in small doses.
I used to fall fast and recover slow, but now its hard
for me to fall at all.
I always forget to use question marks when I write
or type things.
Being honest all the time makes you seem like
an asshole. Some people need to be lied to.
When you are on a date, do NOT answer your phone
unless you want to let the person know how much
of an asshole you can be.
When you are on a date do NOT get drunk. Its a
very bad look.
Only ugly people say that other people are ugly. Its best
to say, "I'm not attracted to that person."
Here is a link to my online blog: Why I am so Cool.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/6/2005
Band Website: you wouldn't go if I had one

My good friend Paris Hilton had her 26th birthday party on my myspace page. I don't know if you knew that.

Kevin Fer-duh-line comes to my myspace page to practice new and interesting funny faces. He's a close personal friend. Did you know that? I'm not sure if you did. I'm very important and exciting.

Oh wow! A circus clown has come over to my myspace page do magic tricks for us! That kind of thing happens sometimes. These label execs don't know what they're talkin' about, right?!?!

Uh oh. There's the paparazzi, AGAIN! Do they ever take a break?! They're probably just here to take pictures of all the exciting things thats going on here at my myspace page because its so exciting here.
Influences: GOD, books, lessons, contradictions, other musicians, and anyone who believes in something passionately
Sounds Like:

Record Label: I need a manager.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Crucial Element

Me and comedian Ryan Conner have a comedic rap group called Crucial Element.  As this group we represent everything that is wrong with rap music.  We have a TV show that we're developing and...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 03:31:00 PST


...as of right now all prices are negotiable, but no less than $200Contact me via myspace message or e-mail.  SERIOUS INQUIRIES [email protected]...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 06:13:00 PST

Q.Ledbetter and his Tummy converse

ME: *singing happy tune minding my business*TUMMY: GRUMBLE! BRUNGLE! GRUMBLE! GRRR!ME: Oh, whats wrong Tummy?TUMMY: Q.Ledbetter, why have you deprived me of tasty treats and deluctable goodies lately?...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 06:48:00 PST

do you know what i like?

...icecream sandwhiches.I really like icecream sandwhiches.If there were a fan club for the iced cream sandwhich, I would sign up and run for the President of that fan club....well, maybe just the Tre...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 11:35:00 PST

conversation with my imaginary girlfriend...

GIRLFRIEND: Quincy baby....wake up, dear.ME: *snort*grumble*honk* Mmmm....uhmmm...what is it, princess?GF: Quincy we need to talk.ME: Now? At 4am in the morning?GF: This can't wait.ME: Well, whats on ...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:37:00 PST


i think i just got completely numb.i wonder if thats a good thing.
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 08:17:00 PST

dressy clothes for the king

Last night I went to the mall and got some new clothes for work. I don't like shopping for clothes. I'm used to doing all of my shopping out of my brother's closet, but he lives in Maryland now and my...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:24:00 PST

an inconvenient truth

If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth, then you may not be aware of how destructive we're all being.  Go see this movie.  Its a documentary of a lecture held by Al Gore about global war...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:43:00 PST

Beyond the Circle: The Blackhole Memoirs of Dr. Julius A. Harrison

I started writing the poetry for my book.  Its called, Beyond the Circle:  The Blackhole Memoirs of Dr. Julius A. Harrison.  I'm not sure what angle to take with it, so I'm asking ...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 04:02:00 PST

exerpt from Beyond the Circle

man fathered theirreversable onslaught of the(e)sun of a bitchthat don't shine....now i'm--trying to teach our sonthat currency has no bearingon the currency of The Divine....you must beginat the root...
Posted by Q. Ledbetter on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:28:00 PST