Art, artists, music, musicians, liberals, animal activists, people who learned to color outside of the lines, or shade inside of the lines.....or use a blank sheet of paper and an imagination.
Creative, talented people, like these that I have already met.......Maybe you? But if you can think of a way I can meet, oh say, Rembrandt or Rousseau, please let me know......
Eclectic, profound...from this era and any other. Anything that makes me feel....something.Like the music from :**
Prefer B & W, 1930's and 40's........but actually just about anything that isn't too inane or commercial. A general film fanatic.......................And already ready to see, in 2007........................................................ ........................................ ..
As little as possible. Lost, MSNBC, Grey's Anatomy ( if only they could get rid of Ellen Pompeo!).....
Where the Sidewalk Ends, Pride and Prejudice, The World of Pooh, A Clockwork Orange, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The House of Mirth, Washington Square, A Farewell to it interesting????
Ghandi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Austen, Rosa Parks, Vincent Van Gogh, my Great Grandmother. Some people who are self absorbed, some who are selfless, some quiet, some loud....but ones who make a difference, somehow..................................................... ............................................................ ............................................................ ............