DJ Scooby profile picture

DJ Scooby

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a Producer and DJ for HOT 91.9FM WAIC. Ive been at the station for four and a half years and love what I do. I have two radio shows...
--"In the Doghouse" airs Monday nights 7-9PM and features the best mix of local & national rock music, bluring the boundries of the genre.
--"Scooby Bites Back" airs Weekdays 3-6PM. All new programming brings you the hottest mix of pop & rock from the 80s 90s and today! You got a shout-out or a request, hit me up anytime at 205-3941
What else? I grew up a tom-boy playing football, floor hockey, ultimate frisbee, snowboarding, softball, fencing, fishing and hunting.... the works. I had once started training to audition for Roller Jam, but decided to persue my college degree first. I also choose who I show my 'girlie' side to as I believe a woman needn't flaunt to be beautiful.
Right now I play co-ed softball for Rural Computer Solutions in Northampton, MA. The owner is a great guy who really knows his computer stuff...Check em' out on the web:
I'm quite the artistic sort as well. I've racked up my share of photo, art, sculpture, poetry and short fiction awards. I spend freetime managing a thread on or chillin' with my peeps at a venue near you.

My Interests

The great outdoors, the arts, brute sports, meeting new people and hanging with all my band peeps'

I'd like to meet:

Working in the Communications field has caused some meetings with some pretty awesome people. Who would I like to meet now? God damned if I know... Just bring it on baby!


Music Is My Soul. Whats my music scene? Local rock, alternative, country and blues. I like what I like and am not afraid to tell it like it is.


I like watching action flicks, cartoons or dramas. Some of my favorites include School of Rock, Ella Enchanted, Ice Age, the new Dune and La Bamaba.


Drama: CSI, Cold Case, NCIS, Law & Order, and Numbers; Reality TV: Extreme Home Makeover, Nashville Star and Super Nanny; Also: Ghost Hunters, Last Comic Standing and America's Got Talent.


DJ Shaggy (Kix 97.9FM, Springfield, MA) has showed me the true meaning of being a DJ. I've gained so much of my people skills from him. Also Walter Mantani for never giving up on me and showing me it's okay to be a female techie.

My Blog

My 2008 Softball Scorecard

M 5/12     (H) VS. UU's     WIN 22-4 F 5/16     (A) VS. BRISBEE TRUCKING     *RESCHEDULED (RAIN) TU 5/27 &nbs...
Posted by DJ Scooby on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 09:04:00 PST


CHANGE, we dont like it, we fear it, but we cant stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or we get left behind. It hurts to grow, anybody who tells you it doesn't is lying, but here's the truth...
Posted by DJ Scooby on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 02:05:00 PST