NOT ENOUGH HATE profile picture


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About Me

Not Enough Hate is a Hardcore-Punk-band from Gothenburg/Sweden
That is still active!
The name was taken from a GBH track title.
"There's not enough hate, To go round".
We don't advocate violence in any way...
We just get fucking angry sometimes,
When we think about what's going on in the world!
After been playing in the legendary Swedish Punkbands in the 80's:
TAtuerade SnutKukar

they got together in
And formed NEH with the following line up:
Jocke (ex Slakthusets Rivaler) - Vocals
Porre (ex Nisses Nötter) - Vocals
Joke (ex The Nuts) - Guitar
Sören (ex Tatuerade SnutKukar) - Guitar
Senap (ex Bumsen Muss Man) - Drums
Ägget (ex Tatuerade Snutkukar) - Bass
After a while Jocke left the band.
Sören also left the band just after a few gigs.
NEH continued playing and found a new guitarist;
Beppe (ex Tornado Babies)
This line-up recorded "Boozers & Losers" m-Cd, released by Ägg Tapes & Records
After some gigs in Gothenburg and at the
Kamikaze Festival in Hova, Beppe left the band.
NEH played for a while with only one guitarist and
recorded some songs for the compilation CD "Äggröran 2".
NEH tryed out some guitarists and Stefan
(ex Ancient Slumber) became the new second guitarist
Ägget abandoned the band.
Senap switched from drums to bass,
And Charlie (ex Anti Cimex) became the new drummer.
A new sound was born......
Charlie joined Troublemakers
Senap & Stefan departed.
NEH was put on ice.
NEH returs with a new line up:
Porre - Vocals
Joke - Guitar
Charlie - Drums
Johan - Bass
and a new EP, "10 years gone"
NEH does gigs in Falköping and Karlshamn.
NEH are participating on the american compilation CD
"Small towns and shitty cities Vol 2".
Since Charlie doesn't find the time to rehearse (due to working abroad
and playing with several other bands),
Björn ( Illdåd , Agrimonia ) is recruited as a drummer.
Just after a few months Björn decides to quit.
New drummer is found very fast = Linus ( Reign of bombs , Svartenbrandt )
NEH continues rehearsing and writing new songs.
------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------
-Boozers & Losers - MCD (Egg Records 1995, Egg cd-21)
1. Brainghosts
2. Bottle Crusader
3. Dead, Dream or Reality
4. No Way Out (Listen!)
5. Misery
6. Fascist Reality
7. (It's) Time To Die.
(Porre-Vocals, Joke-Guitar, Senap-Drums, Beppe-Guitar, Egget-Bass.)
-Murder, Death, Kill - CASS/CD (Self Released 1997)
1. Murder, Death, Kill
2. It's Never Enough
3. Death Sentence
4. Bless me.
(Porre-Vocals, Joke-Guitar, Senap-Bass, Charlie-Drums, Stefan-Guitar.)
-10 Years Gone! Internet-EP (Internet Released 2005)
1. Death Sentence
2. London Bombs
3. Ride The Wave
4. Murder, Death, Kill.
(Porre-Vocals, Joke-Guitars, Johan-Bass, Charlie-Drums)
-Äggröran (Egg Tapes & Records, 1995)
1. Misery.
-Things Start Moving (Fetvadd Records, 1996)
1. No way out.
-Äggröran 2 (Egg Tapes & Records, 1996)
1. Looking into a wall
2. No more.
(Porre-Vocals, Joke-Guitars, Ägget-Bass, Senap-Drums)
-Small towns and shitty cities Vol 2 (DonkeyCore Records, 2007)
1. Bloody war
(Porre-Vocals, Joke-Guitars, Johan-Bass, Charlie-Drums)
BRAZIL: Bucho Discos
SWEDEN: Egg Tapes & Records
FINLAND: Fight Records , Propaganda Records
USA: , Overhead Distro
E-mail us for more info on how to buy our
cd:s, Pins and T-shirts !!!

[email protected] ENOUGH HATE
Past Gigs:(That we can remember)
??/?? -94 Musikens Hus, Göteborg
16/07-94 Kamikaze Punk, Hova
03/06-95 Musikens Hus, Göteborg
07/04-95 Musikhuset, Hova
29/07-95 Kamikaze Festivalen, Hova w/ Cosa Nostra etc.
13/01-96 Tullpackhuset, Göteborg w/ Rövsvett etc.
??/?? -96 Venezia, Fagersta w/ Bad Dreams Always etc.
27/03-98 Down Under, Göteborg w/ Straight Edge My Ass
04/03-06 Lilla Teatern, Falköping
27/05-06 Lokstallarna, Karlshamn
13/02-08 Club Centurion @ Gamle Port, Göteborg

My Interests


Member Since: 11/28/2005
Band Website: This is it!
Band Members:

PORRE - Vocals
Porre at

JOHAN - Bass

JOKE - Guitar

Linus - Drums

Influences: Violence, Religions, All the bad shit going on in the world + Early 80s HC/Punk bands from Sweden, Finland And England.
Sounds Like: A mix of The Exploited and Anti Cimex?
Record Label: Ägg Tapes & Records, Donkeycore Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Not Enough Hate - "LOGO" T-shirt ! ! ! New cool t-shirt is out soon, it's yours for: 85 SEK + postage costs (22 SEK in Sweden) Will be available in sizes: Medium & Large E-mail us for more ...
Posted by NOT ENOUGH HATE on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 02:20:00 PST

Recension på samlingsskivan...

Läs recensionen här: (Scolla ner till halva sidan!)Delirium Tremens
Posted by NOT ENOUGH HATE on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 02:21:00 PST

A Review A review of the "internet" Ep.
Posted by NOT ENOUGH HATE on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 04:45:00 PST

För er som kan läsa svenska...

Ny recension och intervju med Joke, taget ifrån Göteborgs-Posten finns att läsa Här! och Här! ...
Posted by NOT ENOUGH HATE on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 01:47:00 PST

Ny recension!

Nu finns det en ny recension på vår ep (Scrolla ner till halva sidan!) Läs den här! ...
Posted by NOT ENOUGH HATE on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 12:48:00 PST


Now you can find our records in the USA:  
Posted by NOT ENOUGH HATE on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 03:21:00 PST


A link to "Hard Rock Info" is up, Go there and read a review of our EP.
Posted by NOT ENOUGH HATE on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 02:41:00 PST