Kahlil profile picture


The dawning of the aquarian age is upon us.

About Me

Clip from 5th dimension...more on the way!!!

I am Akbal night(bLUE eLECTRIC nIGHT)

I am an artist of all kinds. I use all mediums. I sculpt, construct 3d, paint, spray paint, print, animate, model 3d, and can make art out of trash. I love to reuse material and make it into art. I also love to use art to make people open their eyes. Take off the fucking blinders. It is important that we must awaken from societal induced amnesia . We all have the potential for divinity, in a non-theological manner of course. See through the blinders of dominator culture, corporate brainwash, and societal norms. None of these will evolve you or the earth...Ive said my two sense but only you can truly make the decision to walk in truth and live responsibly...but also realize we all have and will make mistakes....

que está en mi alma?

I spent the last few years finding myself. What I found out is I love art and music and I want to use these two forms of expression to make the world a better place. My main area of focus is going to be the enviornment. So I am back in school for enviornmental science. When I get out I want to manage a company that will throw large events to raise awarenes for the enviornment. Focusing on issues such as renuable resource, sustainability, and rainforest conservation. I see the network and the knowlege building day by day. By the time I graduate this network will be a large force not to be reckoned with. blessing and light -Kahlil

mi profesión

I am here to throw shows and make the world a more colorful place......using Electronic music(psy trance, goa, and Drum and bass to name a few), UV DECO, and projected visuals..here are a few pics

Using art/music to heal the world

I Just changed my major to enviornmental science cuase I want to work with the rainforest...a unquenchable thirst for natural knowlege. Since I was a little kid I was obsessed with rainforest canopys, tropical plants, and rainforest animals/wildlife. I am sick of hearing that it is all going to waste.

My Interests

So happy I found my beautiful soul mate Amy.


Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blog I love anything that moves you away from ego, war, and seperation. Good music, good people, consciousness expansion, psychadelic art, holistic arts, and people who live by the laws of unconditional love.

I'd like to meet:

What Numbers Mean from your spirit guide from www.spiritual-path.com

Different numbers define different characteristics. Numbers can change for us throughout our lives but the numbers we were born with influence our character, behaviour, strengths and weaknesses. Below is a list of what these characteristics are:

Number 0 - Limitless, Unity, Nothingness, Boundless, Truth, Purity, Love, All, Alpha and Omega, Possibility, First Cause, Unmanifest, Breath of God, Unified Field, Source, Space, Consciousness, Cosmic Egg, God.

Number 1 - Beginning, New, Focused concentration, Goal-striving, Action, Independence, Originality, Courage, Invention, Leader, Self-reliant, Ambition, Pioneer, Will, Conscious Mind, Positive.

Number 2 - Duality, Division, Polarity, Choice, Gestation, Cooperation, Service, Harmony, Support, Waiting, Diplomacy, Patience, Psychic, Intuition, Adaptable, Empathic, Partnership, Mediator, Comparison, Receptive, Helper, Collecting, Reproduction, Balancer of Opposites, Subconscious Memory, Positive and Negative.

Number 3 - Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humour, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.

Number 4 - Practical, orderly, patient, logical, hard-working, loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible, earthy, planner, materially creative, green thumb, even tempered.

Number 5 - Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher, traveller, imagination, child-like, playful.

Number 6 - Harmony, beauty, nurturing, love, marriage, family, responsibility, understanding, sympathy, healing, empathic, perfectionist, order, duty, comfort, service.

Number 7 - Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.

Number 8 - Achievement, abundance, executive, strength, self-disciplined, power, success, authority, psychology, entrepreneur, intensity, supervisor, provider, grandeur, material manifestor.

Number 9 - Endings, completion, humanitarian, compassionate, romantic, selfless, generous, philanthropic, loving, wisdom, idealist, artistic, spiritual healer, all allowing, other worldly, blending.

Over many years of communication with, and confirmation by, our Spirit Guides, the Spiritual-Path.com Team has recorded all of the signs we use to guide our lives and our journey on the Spiritual Path, and these number sequence signs are listed below. Our copyrighted sign interpretations are not based on other works, interpretations, studies, or research projects, they have been 100% provided by our Spirit Guides, so we know them to be completely accurate:

111 - This sign is used to indicate that your thoughts are related to the start of a new cycle in your life. What you are thinking about doing or changing is correct for the new phase of your life.

222 - This is a sign of confirmation that you are on the right path, doing the right thing and going in the right direction. Continue with this train of thought.

333 - This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.

444 - This sign from your Spirit Guides signifies their disagreement with your thoughts and feelings and can be interpreted as a Cosmic 'No!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.

555 - When you see this sign a life changing thought or event has just occurred. You may not like it, or you may. Whatever the case your Spirit Guides are notifying you that a change in your life path direction has just occurred and it is time for you to change too. Move with it, follow these thoughts.

666 - Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world or due to mental or emotional imbalance. This sign indicates your thoughts are not clear and you should not continue with this train of thought. Let it pass.

777 - This sign indicates that a lesson has been learnt. It is a sign of acknowledgment and achievement - you have learnt a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn about your life.

888 - A phase of your life is about to end and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional, career, or relationship phase.

999 - Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Your thoughts at the time of seeing this sign indicate that these thoughts will bring about the completion or end of a phase in your life.

000 - Unity with the Universe. Your thoughts are in Unity with the Universe. This sign indicates that your thoughts are in Unity with the Divine Wish for your life.


reggae dub ragga dnb punk ska 70's rock trip hop psytrance house goa trance down tempo. pepper slightly stoopid sublime sister nancy bounty killers bob marly peter tosh gregory isaacs steel pulse my morning jacket phish blind melon led zeppelin doors janis joplin miguel migs mark farina pendulum sub focus nosia talamasca vibraspere son kite ticon prem joshua and a whole lot more....


Earth crisis!!!!!!!Must ACTRECYCLE!!!RECYCLE!!!! Find programs near you; there should be lots of options.o toner cartridges o aluminum cans o newspapers o 2 liter plastic soda bottles o milk jugs o steel containers o organic material/cuttings o glass o telephone books * Stop Junk Mail * Add a Low-Flow Faucet Aerator * Change your Kitchen Habits -- Use reusable containers for food storage * Check your hot water heater -- Did you know your hot water heater accounts for about 20% of all the energy used in your home? There are a few simple things you can do to save energy and save money. Turn your water heater down to 130 degrees, which is hot enough to kill deadly bacteria, and still save energy. * Be aware of your paint you use -- Use latex paint instead of oil-based paint. Oil-based paint is highly toxic, and its manufacturing produces nasty pollutants. * Recharge Your Batteries * Shopping Bags -- Plastic bags are not biodegradable Use a reusable cotton bag. Many grocery stores are carrying them as well as reward u for using them. * Clean Up Your Beach * Use Low Flush Toilets * Beware of Your Showers - keep your showers short. * Recycle Your Motor Oil * Use Fluorescent Lighting - uses less electricity Click here for some more eco friendly tips : )
You all Rock -Kahlil
Buy a little rainforest if you have a few extra bucks at $1 a square meter!!!
Click on the adopt a square image to go to website :)You can help save the rainforest by adopting as many square metres of endangered rainforest as you like for just $1 per square metre! (minimum purchase $25) Contributions are tax deductible.The Australian Rainforest Foundation needs to protect the ancient Daintree rainforests.




My Blog

0stanbul / Kumburgaz UFO Görüntüleri / WORLD EXCLUSIVE!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BEM-ObMXJY ...
Posted by Kahlil on Thu, 15 May 2008 05:17:00 PST

Taking a break READ!!!

It has been a long productive season for awake productions and I feel as if we have accomplished alot. I have reached a point in my life where I need to now catch up with my personal life. I have to g...
Posted by Kahlil on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:05:00 PST

Shaping into the image of your spirit

Spinning twisting turning. your spirits desire are encode in your palms linesdid u find as child you were attracted to beauty?the beautiful things that were ugly and nonsense to othersthose uncontrola...
Posted by Kahlil on Fri, 02 May 2008 03:34:00 PST

alignment and responsibility

Have u forgot the keys to the kingdom.microwaves altering vibrations moving us away from the sourcephysical attachments and unatural mutationsdo u have what it takes for unificationmoneygreedlustenvye...
Posted by Kahlil on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 10:42:00 PST

Important read from red earth

Bill Clinton born 19 August 1946, Barack Obama born 4 August 1961 John Mccain born 29 August 1936They are all the same day sign (out of 260 mayan day signs)Red Self-Existing Skywalker is thei...
Posted by Kahlil on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:14:00 PST


Warming creates giant icebergA VAST iceberg seven times the size of Manhattan has broken away from the Antarctic coast, threatening the collapse of a bigger ice shelf that is now "hanging by a thread"...
Posted by Kahlil on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:00:00 PST

Biggest cup hoarding scandel ever....

Over the past few weeks at the chillcrest residence there has been a strange phenomenon happening. Slowly we have had less and less glass cups. Forcing us to drink by means of poly based products. In ...
Posted by Kahlil on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 03:26:00 PST

))ArIeS RiSinG((april12))8am-6am((Awake,Paranoid Zen ))

))ArIeS RiSinG((april14))8am-6am((Awake,Paranoid Zen ))
Posted by Kahlil on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 05:18:00 PST

Crazy fountain nutty peanut butter )))srezW@Wzers(((

someone invented this nutty fountainhttp://cre.ations.net/creation/the-time-fountain...
Posted by Kahlil on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:34:00 PST

Live in the now...why fear..does that help u? no

The new thing we have to learn is, dont fear. Forget what the past has shown you, and forget what the future may hold. Live in the now. Why stress over a system that is created to take away your magic...
Posted by Kahlil on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 10:26:00 PST