people who want to change the world.
squarepusher,broadcast,aphex twin,boards of canada,autechre,jega,mu-ziq,old pink floyd,good jazz,tool,mum,venetian snares,tabla beat science,shpongle,dj greenman,non-cents and bjork
amp,adult swim,south park,simpsons
almost all of carlos castenada,alan watts,timothy leary(info-psychology,flashbacks,the delicious grace of moving ones hand,the psychedelic experience a manual based on the tibetan book of the dead,your brain is god),robert anton wilson(promethius rising,cosmic trigger1,2,and3) john lilly,carl g. jung(man and his symbols,jung and the tarot,jungs lectures on kundalini,jung on alchemy),wilhelm reich(listen little man,function of the orgasm),Jack Herer(the emperor wears no cloths),acid dreams,the psychedelic encyclopedia,lsd and psychotherepy,lsd and the search for god,ecstacy:dance trance and transformation,the tibetin book of the dead,Richard Bach(Johnathan livingston Seagul,Illusions:the adventures of a Reluctant Messiah,One),books on cabalah,alchemy,ritual magic,budhism,hinduism,ayurveda,toaism,gnosticism,theosophy and tantra....
Timothy Leary,Marc Emery,Richard Cowen,Squarepusher,Autechre,Wilhelm Reich,Robert Anton Wilson,Pascal Beverly Randolph,Shiva,Shakti and MANY of my friends!