to quote sylvia:"neurotic, ha! . . .If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I'm neurotic as hell. I'll be flying back and forth between one mutually exclusive thing and another for the rest of my days."
i don't start listening to myself till 145 BPMs, with undertow. . .
hah, this is a warning for innocent bystanders
the rest of you will have to just bear with it. . .
since you couldn't figure out how to stay on the other side of the street
or simply find a way to go around
see, i figure that trick should be pretty easy. . .
with the whole damn world jutting off, 360 degrees, on all sides of me
it's like magic
ya know what i mean?
a favorite photograph, done by this guy
blasted bloody hell. . .
i hadn't stated much on the nitty gritty aspects of my profile; but just today i noticed an odd falsehood had somehow occurred in the smoke/drink category. . .
so i had to go and correct it
now my dirty laundry is flying all over outside
yes, i smoke garcia vegas (been doing that for two years, curses)
yes, i drink once in a blue moon, but usually vomit if i try to finish more than a glass
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