The Ayatollah!!!-President(I run this stupid page),Mike Mötherfucker-Vice president/baby maker,Pusmort-Body modificator,Danger Von Granger-John Stamos good looks,Date Rape-Rock and Roll Babysitter,fast face-Mexican Johnny Depp,Goon the ASSman-Moneyman,Ryan Van Stone-ASS Squad,Cap'n Jack-Deathpunk Arnold Schwarzenegger,Savage Von Ravage-Beholder of the Iron Cross,Matt Seaman-Warrior of unholy metal,Lord Bovver-Deathpunk DJ,MasterCAKES-Cheerleader of Darkness,Lord Looney Von Schooner-Minister of Inebriation,Palett Fidi-Brewmaster, Justin Destruction-anti-Bushist.
Whether you like us or not, learn to love us, because we're the best thing going.WOOOOOOOO!!!!!