Cats, vet medicine, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, learning more and more about Wicca and other religions and continuing on my spiritual path, music, reading, writing, watching some tv and movies but I'm very picky about what I watch. Horseback riding, going to Las Vegas to have fun, spending time with my family and friends, goofing off, swimming, cooking and sleeping!
Cool people of a like mind. Friends that are into the same things I am and want to talk, get to know each other, have fun and play!
Currently into the Blues, the true New Orleans blues, like Cab Calloway and Louis Armstrong, I also adore Elvis Costello, Dar Williams, Lorenna McKennitt, broadway musicals, traditional celtic music, Enya, Golden Bough, Sarah Brightman and music that tells a story and makes me think and feel.
My all time favourite movie ever is Star Wars IV "A New Hope", then Highlander, The original War of the Worlds, Pirates of the Carribean, Mummy & Return of the Mummy (the new ones) any Godzilla movie, I love bad B-horror films and adored Mystery Science Theatre. I also love a good horror flick, fantasy film or some sci-fi movies. It takes a lot for me to sit and watch a movie ('cause I'm so busy) so when I do I watch only what I know I really like.
Some of my favourite series have been: Wonderfalls, Wizards & Warriors, Twin Peaks, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Files (until Duchovny left), the original Nightstalker and currently the ones I watch are: Lost (I adore it)and Scrubs.
Gabriel Kings "The Wild Road Series", probably my all time fave books, The Redwall Series by Brian Jacques (do you see a theme here?), I also love Piers Anthony, some Clive Barker, Anne Rice (some of them), all kinds of Wicca books especially by Ted Andrews, Little Women, The Little Prince, Tawny Scrawny Lion, the Curious George books, and a good horror, thriller, fantasy, mystery or sci-fi book, something that makes me think and can teach me something I didn't already know.
Linda McCartney, Vincent Van Gogh, Richard Burton (the explorer), Jane Goodall, and a lot of the animal rescuers I have met.