{[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} profile picture


The armor protects our bodies, and departed souls protect our minds.

About Me

Drumset, vidoe games, i should probably add i go to the art institute of atlanta for graphic design...yeh also i am the mastermind behind the phat beats in Moriornor and The Enders.
I AM...
For the most part a shadow. you know i'm there but for the most part i pass under your radar. often i'm mistaken for the silent type. hwever i just don't like strangers. my main hobby is drawing. although i'm not amazing at it, i love sketching various made-up creatures or fantasy weapons. i spend entirely too much time daydreaming and not enough time worrying about what is to come.
i consider myself to be a insensitive, cold, and detached person. although i am told my actions reflect otherwise. i really only talk to my friends, so don't think i'm ignoring you or avoiding, it's just i respect other's privacy and space. i feel if you want to say something you'll let me know, if not you won't. i make an attempt to be humble, and try to respcet the differences between the strengths and weaknesses of my peers.
To check out my bands got here:
hhmmm i have this AIM thing so i should probably use it. talk to me my friends. i am : animepunk77
Oh yeh Morionor has a CD available for purchase i think the link goes a il somthing like...

My Interests

Drumset,Metal,Music,Percussion,Art,Reading,Video Games,...anything mythical and non-existant,obviously mythology,History

I'd like to meet:

...no one is really THAT important to me that i'd dream or wish to meet them

Sex Machineguns- Aijin 28 .. width="425" height="350" ..


X-Japan, Galneryus, Sex Machineguns, Symphony X, Sonata Arctica, Angra, Kamelot, Rhapsody, Childern of Bodem, Iron Maiden, Iced Earth, stratovarious, Secret sphere, Nightwish, Dream Evil, DragonForce, Blind Guardian, Arch Enemy, Fintroll, lmperanon, Kamelot, bad religoin, the vandals , Dead kennedys, reel big fish, Save Ferris, Torchbearer, spiral architecht, some classical, ....well shit anything except country. and i don't listen to much rap cause alot of rappers don't use live bands or drumsets, so ...


For the most part i like comedy movies. and i'll watch some old school anime. .. width="425" height="350" ..


Television sucks


The Wheel Of Time


hero!?!?! bah be your own fucking hero.

My Blog

not in america

i think i've fianlly come to grips with the fact that there is no place in america for the honest, the humble, and the genuine. if there is, it is only underfoot to the lying, the arrogant, and the tw...
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:29:00 PST

kyle inspired me to write a 30 second poem

in the pillow i now place this empty cauldron called my face if you stir this worn out head i'll pump yo faggot ass full of lead
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 10:08:00 PST

Perhaps i should do something smart...for once.

i thought about it, and i realized i will never be booksmart. i dunno what it is about learning and memorizing terminology, but it doesn't seem to stick with me. i have a terrible memory. i can hardly...
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:13:00 PST

Pats Video Game review: Volume 1

So, for a long time now i have been a fan of the classic SaGa series(ex: SaGa frontier 1&2, and Romancing SaGa),. and i happened bythe latest SaGa release. Although it is a re-release from an...
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:00:00 PST

Pat's video game review: volume 2

so i just got started playing through the sequel to one of the greatest PS1 RPG's of all time, Valkyrie Profile 2. gotta love a game about norse mythology. so far i love the storyline, which...
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 12:16:00 PST

Daydreaming at work: Vol. I - random

So today at work i found myself daydreaming some pretty funny stuff i thought i'd share. I think saw something that reminded me of Pokemon for some reason, and i thought," how cool would it be to re-i...
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 09:19:00 PST

HOLY SHIT!!!! i have seen the light!!! (band of the moment)

far about 2 years i've been looking for songs by this band and now i got my first taste!!!! and i instantly am hooked. The latest band of the moment is: LOUDNESS
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 08:43:00 PST

Confessions of a Metalhead: Vol. I

Well i'm gonna start this one out with this. The other day i heard the song "Don't Speak" on the radio, and it's been stuck in my head ever since. i mean that is one catchy chorus, but it's not that p...
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 09:11:00 PST

Band of the Moment: Vol. II

My current band of the moment is mother fucking "X-Japan"!!!check the profile for a taste. oh my god. nuff said.
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Sat, 27 May 2006 03:26:00 PST

Band of the Moment: Vol. 1

The current band of the moment is: Sex Machineguns.  (Japanese heavy/thrash/glam) not to be confused with the sex pistols, for in my opinion they're  far better.
Posted by {[FUNKtional]}{[Armor]} on Thu, 25 May 2006 10:54:00 PST