Djing, Clubbing, Writing, Drawing, Designing, Programming, Thinking, Reading, Society, Culture, Lifestyle, Music, Technology, Business, Investing, Leadership.
cool people, people with ecletic taste, a passion for life and a youthful disposition.
What are you waiting for? The hottest people have joined the Zouk group!
Armin van Buuren, Tiesto, Sasha, Oakenfold, Sinergy, Ferry Corsten -Di.FM, ETS Global, Frisky Radio,, Hip Hop, Chinese Rock, Chinese Sentimental Ballads, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Wilbur Pan, Harlem Yu, Elva Hsiao, Ayumi Hamasaki, Fish Leong, Cai Chun Jia, FIR
SWAT, Tears of the Sun, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, We Were Soldiers, IRobot, Troy, The Incredibles
Don't Watch. It Sucks.
Encyclopedia Britannica, Warren Buffet stuff, Rich Dad series, Technology Books, Carl Sagan, Howard Rheingold, Malcolm Gladwell, Fortune, The Straits Times, Today, Spec Ops Stuff...
Justin Frankel, MySpace Tom, Jon Carmack.