Nicholetta † profile picture

Nicholetta †

Come In Out Of The Darkness... ~Stevie Nicks

About Me

Fallen Angels...
Some of my poetry...
My Interests...
Music I Like...
Movies I Like...
Heroes in my Life & People I would like to meet...
My Family...
Hello, and Welcome to my page ... I am Nicholetta ...
Below is a slideshow I created from various family photos to give a sneak peek into our lives for those of my friends who are interested :)
Click the photo above to learn more about Wicca
These words of inspiration were sent to me from my dear friend on myspace, Suliman, who is also a fabulous artist and wonderful spiritual soul whom I hold in the highest respect. I was in complete awe of this poem after reading it and wanted to share it with everyone...
Thank you for sharing, Suli, my friend :)

I AM filled with the frequencies of Light as they drift on the currents of Eternal Love manifesting in the material world. Caressed by the gentle breeze of Spirit, I AM inspired and refreshed. Your Great Being permeates all, displaying diversity and multipicity in Oneness, yet ever patient for each entity to discover this Oneness for itself and reveal its individual perfection.
Dear Family of Light, You work vigilantly to supply guidance and instruction to all who seek clarity and attunement, in service to the Plan of Divine evolution. I open to Your radiation, my Reflection, and seek greater union. Instruct me that i may be more effective in my personal transformation, my divine contribution and service. May my capacity expand and deepen as i work to refine all levels of my being, that i may attain constant communion in Oneness and be a productive disciple of Truth and Grace.
My consciousness touches the vast panoramas of the Cosmos, still i know my work is here where Your Consciousness desires Dominion. I draw on its Strength, its Patience, its Compassion, its Understanding, its Guidance, and its Grace as the foundation of my emergence. I integrate Love, Light, Truth, and the Eternal Peace as the Force which animates my body, illuminates my mind, and compels my spirit to deeper levels of union. May the Silent Voice of Oneness speak to my heart. Teach to me how to better reveal the Divine to my Brothers & Sisters. Impress upon my heart the stamp of unconditional love and compassion, that the Spirit Divine walks this earth in me.

My Interests

This song may be about the twin towers. However, I haven't had a chance to ask Mr. Joe Taylor yet, and he is the one who wrote this beautiful and uplifting song of hope.


I was scared, I was scared
There was something deep inside
I was there, I was there
The day the heights went down

Find a place and lay it on the line
Or find somebody else and you'll resign
Make your time, while you still have a chime
Pull yourself together just in time

So let it shine, today and forever
Let it shine, stop the suffering and sorrow
Find your time, today and forever yeah,
Let it shine, oh yeah, let it shine

It's been two years, two long years
Since the moment passed in time
I was staring, eyes were glaring
Across the Hudson river line

Take your time and find your inner line
Do what you need to do, I hope you shine
Find a lover and hold all the time
Know that better day and you will find

So let it shine, today and forever
Let it shine, stop your suffering and sorrow
Find your time, today and forever yeah, yeah,
Let shine, oh oh yeah let shine


I was scared, I was scared
And these tears have had there time
And now I stare, now I stare
And the lights are shining bright

Let it shine, today and forever
Let it shine, stop your suffering and sorrow
Find your time, today and forever yeah, yeah
Let it shine, oh oh yeah, let it shine

Words and Music by
Joe Taylor
Written 2002
© 2004

My Daughter, Sara dressed up in her "Goth" look :)

My oldest son, Lance...

My youngest son, Sammy...

My baby, Shady Lane...

Stevie Nicks quote about death "I'm not afraid of it at all. But I try to get as much done as I can, because you don't know how long you're going to be here. That's why it's important that I type a page or two every night-even if that's at 11 A.M. See, I think you live on earth a certain number of times until you finish what it is that you were meant to do here. And then you go on. I don't think I'll be back. I think I'm done." ~Playboy interview, July 1982 - I remember this one! I was 12 and my sister snuck one of her guy friend's Playboy magazines to me so I could see the article. I tore it out and put it into a scrapbook, but I still have it! I remember this incredible photo of Stevie in there with it! I was sooo excited!

"To understand the heart and mind of a person, look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do." ~Kahlil Gilbran

~Break the silence~
Let your voice be heard...
Know Your Rights!
Find a cure
for Uterine Cancer!

Defeat Diabetes!
MS Ribbon of Hope —
Help bring public awareness about
Multiple Sclerosis

I'd like to meet:

Stevie Nicks, my idol from childhood, who I have been told I resemble most of my life :) She is and will forever be my greatest inspiration... Beautiful Poet, Composer...

I don't hate anyone but do believe there is evil in this world and am frightened by those in power who display elements of evil more than others. I believe President Bush is one of these people and as Gina Davis says in the movie 'The Fly,'"Be afraid, be VERY afraid" pretty much sums up my opinion of this man. Let's Take A Stand, And Impeach This Sorry Excuse For A President! Together We Can Stop The Ignorance Of This Government Run By This Moron!

I posted this photo intending to send a message... However, since placing this on my page I have been informed that some of my Christian friends find this offending to their beliefs, which is not my intensions. I do not judge anyone for their choice of religion or God. I told one of my beautiful Christian friends the following about the above photo and quote about church to help her to understand. At her suggestion and respect for anyone else that might find this offending, I am giving this explanation for my posting this photo :)
"Practice what you preach" so to speak. It is intended for those who think that going to any organized religious church makes you worthy of what you are studying or believe. Alot of people, of any faith, go through their week hating and throwing negative energy out into this world, i.e. wife beaters, child molesters, murderers, people who hate others because of their race, color, or religion (racial groups) and then they think that because they belong to a church "family" and read "the word" of whatever religion they believe and pray for forgiveness makes them worthy and that they are living a rightious life, which they are not, in my opinion."
Blessed Be to All! ~Nicholetta

Leave me a message or draw me a picture :)

Video compilation with photos and song clips from my absolute FAVORITE band, Confuzin Jack! Let me know what you think about them, okay???

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Help support this fabulous funk/rock band and place the code below on your page!!!

Show your support for Joe Taylor and place the code for this banner below on your page!!!
I Love You All!
Blessed Be, ~Nicholetta


I found this quote on my new friend, Susan's myspace page...

Thank you for the inspiration :)
~Message from Yemanya - The Goddess who created the sea... - "Like the ocean, life moves in waves and tides. Timing is every thing, so when an opportunity presents itself, you must dive in at that moment. Like the ocean, life is rich with variety and beauty. Enjoy experiencing it's various rhythms, and allow all doubts to be washed away."

Who I have gotten signs from...
?A Sign For A Sign?

Make me a sign and I will in turn send you one
Below are the signs I have received from my Sexy Friends!

1. Gavin


are the people in this world who are trying to make a difference. Here is a list of my VIP Friends who by adding them to your friendlist you can make a difference somehow :)

The One

Come Sign
and Celebrate

Stop Genocide
In Darfur, Sudan

Save Darfur

2424 World

Together we
can find a cure

Don't Drive
On Sunday

Stop Global


Bill Maher

Stop The War

one click


ONE Love &
Peace Craver


Make Trade

Take It
All Back

My Blog

Sister Of Like Souls by Adrienne

This was a poem written for me by my best friend, Adrienne...This made me cry when I read it, she is such a dear person to me and I wanted to share these beautiful words she wrote for me :)))I LOVE Y...
Posted by Nicholetta on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 12:53:00 PST

Confuzin Jack :)

Well, everyone! I now have a new obsession! I am in Love Love Love with this band! OMG, I have all of their songs memorized and am absolutely obsessed with them!!! Confuzin Jack is a three piece funk/...
Posted by Nicholetta on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 05:27:00 PST

Something Just For Fun...

Someone had this posted on their blog, and, well...I thought it was kind of cute. So how'bout it? WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF:I died tomorrow:I lived next door to you:I started smoking crack:I stole someth...
Posted by Nicholetta on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 11:03:00 PST


Well, I was watching people walk in and out of the supermarket yesterday and found that the majority of them were overweight.  I too am very overweight and fall into this catagory.  My son, ...
Posted by Nicholetta on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 11:16:00 PST

Relationships & "The Pina Colada Song (Escape)

The Pina Colada Song (Escape) PRESS PLAY I haven't decided yet what I am going to say on this page, but it is going to be kind of my reply to Angelina's post about relationships and men making wo...
Posted by Nicholetta on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 02:16:00 PST


Cry For Freedom - White Lion IMAGINE THISwarning: This video contains material that may be offending to some ... I think that it is a compelling piece of work that is absolutely brilliant......
Posted by Nicholetta on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 03:18:00 PST


Nicholetta's Bitch for the week of September 16, 2006 4:26 P.M. My current mood is (hopeful) Well, as most of you know, Sam and I broke up last month.  It hasn't been easy and I want to than...
Posted by Nicholetta on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 02:41:00 PST

My Obsessions

Get this video and more at     Above is a clip I found at Kanno Production's myspace site.  It is very well done!  I am so impressed!     This is my husban...
Posted by Nicholetta on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 01:45:00 PST

The Moon...

Ahh the moon... Her power and all of her mystery is so phenomenal to me... I believe the Earth and it's inhabitants rely on our sole survival through the moon... She is our ruler... I believe every na...
Posted by Nicholetta on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 02:05:00 PST

Fallen Angels...

I love beautiful artwork and am fascinated by the darker side of religion... Not in an evil sense, but I am fascinated with the warriors in the folklores who battled good and evil... I love the storie...
Posted by Nicholetta on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 01:52:00 PST