Music, Offroading, riding my quads, photography... getting better now too... just need more models to play with lighting...
not sure, I have already met the girl that I thought.... never mind...
Nickleback, velvet revolver, Korn, Disturbed... really depends on what mood Im in...
Matrix, hackers, swordfish, gawd, I have so many...
CSI, 24, anything on the discovery channel and PBS, Boston Legal, Law and Order:SVU, NCIS...
Whats that???? LOL... Ususally something to do with Photography...
Heros or people that I respect? My dad, for giving me values and morals, teaching me what is right and wrong. My friends for being there when I needed them and for the people that I loved, for being there thru the tough times when I wasnt my best... and one person in particular, (J) that I cared about because I didnt want her to get hurt, and in the process I hurt her myself and also hurt myself. Take care.