Lauren profile picture


Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.

About Me

Q: I saw your nekked a$$ in Playboy several times, are you still current w/ them?
A: My modeling career started off w/ the famous playboy so I do give them alot of credit for my success. Thousands of sexy ladies send in their photos every year and only a few are selected so I feel very blessed to have the oppurtunity. You can find me in the June 2004 "Sexy Girls Next Door" and "3 Deadly videos with Ed Lover" on Playboy TV. Exotic Beauties Sept 2004, Playboy Nudes June 2006, and Playboy's Hot Shots 2007.
Q: What is your ethnicity?
A: Vietnamese and proud of it! haha! My friends call me a twinkie though ;(
Q: Describe your personality...
A:I'm caring, honest, and very easy to get along with. I could be very easily entertained at times, so pretty much anything will crack me up. I think people take life a little bit too seriously sometimes, and it feels good to just laugh every once in a while. You can work and have fun at the same time. I have a big heart and a lot of times, people take advantage of that. Of course it hurts me when I know it, but I also know that I'm a bigger person than that too. I'm a big crybaby! I cry over animal cruelty shows when they show farm animals being mistreated. I cry over TV shows like Oprah and Disney Cartoons. I know, I'm a big sentimental cheese ball!
Q: What drives you?
A: I'm very goal oriented and always try to make the best out of every situation. I never want to settle, I always strive on to be better in anyway I can. One day, I want to be able to give my family and children what my parents gave me. That is love, respect, and happiness.
Q: What are your pet peeves?
A: Besides eight legged bugs? I would have to say negativity! People who are quick to criticize and put others down bothers me. People who complain all the time, and people who hate on others for their accomplishments. I'm a lover, not a fighter!
Q: What did you go to school for?
A: I have a degree in Graphic Design and now I'm doing real estate investments...meaning I do sell houses..and when I can I buy them! I guess I was pressured into picking a major before giving it much thought. I guess if I could do it over again, it would be real estate..for sure! I decided that working with computers for two years would be enough for me. While going to school I worked part time for Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and that brought me interest in doing real estate as a career. Which I enjoy doing today...
Q: How often do you workout?
L: I used to workout religiously, but now I do cardio twice a week and weights once a week.
PB 50th Anniversary model: Colleen Shannon and I hanging w/ Neal Moffit before Tiesto's concert...Tiesto baby!!!
Hanging with super sex goddess...Carmen Electra and Karen Chacon while working the VIP party for Jane's Addiction @ The Palms.

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My Interests


The latest Hip Hop Honey's DVD w/ the beautiful Nani Nicole and I gracing the cover.