Many of you know who I am, in the waking for those who are not yet familiar,
just trust this:I AM ONE OF
& an aspiring business owner.
When concerning these, don't waste my time
& I'll be certain, NOT to waste YOURS!I "jingle" when I walk.
(because of my ball- bearing keychain,
swaying on m'side)I'm a great conversationalist
& can also be a good advisor.Being a natural- born problem solver,
ppl sometimes take it as "arrogance".*scoff*What the FUCK do THEY know??? >=O
>B]I'm a light smoker, but I drink
like a natural- born Southsider!My weakness (regarding booze) is
a cold Southpaw Beer, after work,
or a Top Shelf Margarita
w/ a shot o' Grand Marnier on top.If you can't make one, don't worry-
jus' hand me the Tequila bottle, STRAIGHT!I tend to have BIG ideas
and freely verbalize them,
regardless of traditional sensibilities!I am fearless, in many ways- BE WARNED!(that's FEARLESS, not DANGEROUS)I pride myself upon being a "grown man",
have a "Type A" personality
& mentally sharp & a persuasive speaker.
All those who don't believe in the success
of what I'm shedding BLOOD, SWEAT & TEARS for
(ANOM!LE)!All those who expect the ways and actions
of an "average joe"-..I'm an ARTIST!By nature,
I'm gonna be a bit strange
so get over it!All those who SAY that they're "open- minded",
yet pass judgement on me or others
based on a person's "Friends" / "Top 8" section.Jesus consorted with the leper,
the whore and the tax collector-WHICH ONE ARE YOU?-and finallyAll those who want ppl as their "online friends",
but won't actually be REAL- LIVE friends with them
when you live right around the corner.If that describes you, just stick to being a friend
on my "business" pages, mmkay?Mmm,kay!
I'd like a lover / "playmate",
but whatever...
..I suppose it depends on who can
get on MY level.Kinda likes them COUGARS, myself...
In the meantime, I've got work to do-
Catch me if you can!
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..Good Music- Get Some!
Here's my newest music for sale
from ANOM!LE Productions!Check em out & get u some, even!ANOM!LE Productions:
The My Space Video SeriesThis are my crew videos. After the first splash plays, then, choose another vid & leave comments!APR Splash 2007 (!nk!)
Virtually everything is of some interest, musically. Being a DJ / producer, anything I reject could hinder or limit my own creative library of influence.Production / Promotions: / Graphic Layout:
*The Pursuit Of Happiness
*Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy *Ong Bak
*Pi *Leon: The Professional
*Cube & Hypercube (Cube sequel) *Kung Fu Hustle
*Unbreakable *Batman Begins
*Big Fish *Eqilibrium
*Fight Club *Pootie Tang
*Alpha Dog *The Last Starfighter
*Tron *Krush Groove
*Beat Street *Star Wars saga
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
My Lightsaber is Blue.
Blue is often associated with depth and stability.
It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence
and truth.Take this quiz !
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The Legitimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Quiz
Holy Zarquon, you're Ford Prefect! Traveling the galaxy is just another day in your book, man. You live for the thrill and the nightlife, although you've got an issue with caring for others. Everyone likes you, though, because of your party-going personality. I sass that hoopy Ford Prefect! Rock on, man!
Take this quiz !
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Whenever I DO watch TV...*Heroes, *Andy Griffith (that show has heart), *Strange addiction to court shows (I like to decipher the -legalese), *History / Learning Channel, *Reba (Van kills me), *What I Like About You (Gary's a TRIP), *Girlfriends (it should be called, the "William" show), *Scrubs *House *S.I.T.C. (guilty pleasure)-..and of course, *Conan O'Briiiiiyeeennnn!!! (Pierre Bernard's "Recliner Of Rage" skits are AWESOME)
*The Holy Bible (our human Product Manual) *Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man" *Nathan McCall's "Makes Me Wanna Holla" *Alice White's "The Three Lives Of Grange" *Chuck Barris' "Confession Of A Dangerous Mind" *Stephen King short stories (Shawshank, Stand By Me, etc)Non- Fiction, PLEASE! I have no time to be reading stuff that ain't even TRUE. For Fiction, I just wait for the movie.Sorry.
BIGGUPS: ANOM!LE PR/GL, CCM, Rodamus Prime, Jenova, 7th Circle, Chris Art!f!c!al (Dub Hel!x), Status Quo, 24 Elders of Individualz Cru (1ndi), Ralph L., Karen D., and Trish @ Harmony Network, Holly C., Scarlet7, MCJ / icare (we go waaaay back), Soul Child fam, BMW Crew, UGT Squadron & NerveAgent, & my fallen comrades: Nathaniel "Prov(erb)" Wallace, Sanovia Amerah Muhammad, Stack9, Nicole & Sierra Cardwell Aurora Gordon & Kapali Swamy.Y'all betta' have my turntables set up, by the time I get 2 Heaven, cuz I GOT NEXT! ^_^