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robert henry

entenmans is the bayer of our generation

About Me

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Video games, watching cartoons, partying with friends and moving every few years was affectionately known as 'my 20s'. That out of my system, headed to college and graduated with a degree in animation, also helping me re-discover my love of illustration. Now well into my 30s, I still have some bad habits (chocolate chip cookies, paying bills on time), but my life has been fortunate, and I can't complain about anything.

My Interests

Bible FightWorld of Warcraft , Shut Up, Little Man . Bob & Barbaras Lounge. CRACKED Magazine (Mazagine). 2d and 3d animation. 3ds max . maya. macintosh . flash. after effects. mini cooper . evolving. cds that skip. pinball. wine. writing. drawing. SIRIUS . AM radio. staying up late on sunday nights. big hearty know, the kind that make YOU laugh. branston pickle. anything sweet. . wondering how and why certain things came to be. drinking til I slur.

I'd like to meet:

"Some people are like Slinkies - not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs." - anonymous.


vocoders. rogue wave , joel rl phelps , joanna newsom, silkworm, ryan adams, bryan adams, ministry, skinny puppy, b-52s, george clinton and parliament funkadelic, khia, belle & sebastian, bob mould, cocteau twins, 4AD, guster, everything but the girl, lords of acid, outkast, squarepusher, boards of canada, kraftwerk, new order, underworld, Echoes, Stars End , NPR (there's some music on there, buck-o), the smiths, blondie, crickets, locusts, cicadas.


anything david lynch, kubrick, jacobs ladder, royal tenenbaums, y tu mama tambien, blazing saddles, americathon, happiness, crouching tiger hidden dragon, tron, i love you alice b. toklas, finding nemo, the incredibles, star wars



Sons and Daughters, KING OF THE MOTHERFUCKING HILL BITCH , mythbusters , roseanne, french and saunders, wonder showzen, freaks and geeks, strangers with candy, mst3k, family guy, laugh-in, the jeffersons, futurama, rocky & bullwinkle, gumby, twin peaks, what's happening, all in the family, oz, sopranos, space ghost, home movies, trading spaces, cnn, seinfeld, simpsons, the office, roseanne, the critic


TASCHEN , FANTAGRAPHICS , websters, the secret diary of adrian mole, david sedaris, tv guide, cat on a hot tin roof, the mischeivous art of jim flora

My Blog

working sux

Are there jobs for people who don't really give a crap about working anymore? Seriously. I could easily stay in bed most of the morning and then find a million things to do other than go to work monda...
Posted by robert henry on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 03:04:00 PST


Jerry Lewis using the word 'fag' on the telethon was probably the most interesting part of that snoozefest. I'd tune in every year if that was the entertainment, instead of ventriliquists and magician...
Posted by robert henry on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:41:00 PST


Thumbs up! But not a way up - the movie loses sight of the fact that they don't need a subplot with 2 cops and 'McLovin' (which takes up half the movie, yawn) - the chemistry between evan and seth is...
Posted by robert henry on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:28:00 PST

July 7th

Did you know the library (at least around here) is do it yourself now? Like, CHECK OUT YOUR OWN DAMN BOOKS! Here's the scan gun, there's the computer, what are you waiting for? I thought I was going t...
Posted by robert henry on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 10:22:00 PST


Oh man, I L U V GOAT CHEESE! Can never get enough!!! Use it wherever cheese is required!
Posted by robert henry on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:32:00 PST


11:00 am showing for $5.00 - can't beat that!The movie is OK I guess. Not great. The animation and texturing of the whole movie is flawless, of course. The story lacks something, I can't figure it out...
Posted by robert henry on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 10:31:00 PST


Going to parties the past few days, was at the shore yesterday eating like a piglet and doing one of my favorite activites while on the boardwalk: pinball! Jilly's arcade has a bunch of machines, and ...
Posted by robert henry on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 07:10:00 PST

July 4th

Was looking forward to my box of macaroni & cheese for lunch and GODDAMMIT I picked up the WHOLE WHEAT PASTA mac & cheese. Ruined!
Posted by robert henry on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:07:00 PST

July 1st.

Started the day with breakfast at Robins, dining out back on her new Party Bar that she picked up from Loewes. From there we hauled up to central Jersey to spend the day at Kirks BBQ. He's expanded t...
Posted by robert henry on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 04:54:00 PST


The latest Skinny Puppy CD, Mythmaker, is awesome. I don't give a shit about the past and how "skinny puppy died when what his name died." Things change, and these guys still hold up.Lots of vocoders ...
Posted by robert henry on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:49:00 PST