music, images, senses, meeting people, connections, feelings, escaping from bullshit days by making time stretch when im happy, making people feel better when i can, creating, expressing, writing, partying, sleeping, laughing, making love, like everybody i guess
Well, People who want to meet me, others that don't, pj harvey, thom york, dave grohl, robert smith, trent reznor,frank black, audrey favier (that's done!:)), philip k.dick (too late), a lot of dead people who lived interesting periods, i don't know, my grandfather frank, david lynch, and most of all, unfamous people, my neighbours or you .. ;-))
oh too many:
Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, lynch movies, cassavettes movies, tarantino movies, corean movies, woody allen stuff, scorcese films, cecil B. demented, tim burton's work, vanessa filho's movies & photographs, dead man, i love movies in general, wether they make you think or fell uncomfortable, or sad, or even stupid blockbusters just to rest and admire the visual effects and explosions, and cheesy music on happy endings
MTV News, Parental Control, Six Feet Under, Heroes, Oz, The L Word, New york district, CSI, etc... i don't really watch tv, apart music videos sometimes, documentaries about animals or countries i've never been to, the news...
all philip k. dick, all classics because they are testimony of a lost art in this form i guess and you can only admire those who wrote even boring story in such a good style or language. maxim chattam recently (man you are a thriller master), jonhatan coe, 1984, aldous huxley, castaneda, kafka, anne rice (not anymore but it's been such a joy to read these books for days and nights non-stop), hubert selby jr ,...