junkface is currently portland's randy b, kyle b, and matt d. the latest ep "kill them with love" was released in the fall of 06. tours, kicks and comps were all over in '07. new LP and mega tours in spring '08.the band originaly formed at 910 bedford ave. 2nd fl. brooklyn, NY by pdx natives randy b. and josh hodges.joshie moved west, in increments, and onto anthony's record label (expunged) as sexton blake. he's just released a record of 80's covers for him and is playing shows as starfucker.ryan b, photographer, good guy, ex-green house resident, is also a starfucker.ryan dobowski was also a member sexton blake, and has since turned his attention to painting and bike touring, sometimes with blind pilot. he also is the owner/operator of PIP gallery on NW everett and broadway.joaquin de la puente is a rennaisance man from ohio; co founder and editor of starfucker (the magazine), chicago's D.O.G., also union projectionist and one time resident of 910 bedford. he lives in olympia.emma newman (of the newmans) is from pdx and winters in calumet, michigan on the upper penninsula.kyle b (of the hippos, tripod) is a PDX transplant working at EM on sandy. he recently released the fire of cumulative hours as long distance runner, his electronic solo project.matt dabrowiak is one half of portland's dat'r and has also played in the past with binary dolls and dykeritz.randy b serves you breakfast at zells, and owns the green house in NE PDX. he plays drums for dagger of the mind, hurah hurah, and the vivian, and is working on a collection of one minute pop songs.