My favorite 50+ bands - The Top Shelf .I post songs that I either wrote and performed or just played drums on - all recorded in my basement, Latona Studios."The Weekend is Over" is from my blissful days with Anne Summers . It was written by Andrew Pontano and Alec Boyajy.
The Boxcar Tramps and I banged out "Truck Drivin' Man" in Latona Studios a few years back. Several members of that band now play around Seattle in The Rolling Blackouts, headed up by Tom Bennett. Others also play in Suicide Jack."Gun Store" was written by Dave Kite. He and I recorded an album of his songs titled The Next Five Minutes. Rob Mitchell played keys and Pat Hewitt played lead guitar."Aqualine" was written by Aaron Solomon and is from a 7 song demo from a short-lived but excellent band called Woo. Aaron sang and played guitar, Peter AWOL played lead guitar, Rob Allison played bass and I played drums.