I'd like to meet:
Carrot top and the guy who invented Jello.
X Clash TSOL SonicYouth KISS Jim Carrol REM 45Grave BlackFlag Bowie GunClub Damned Ramones (Old)SocialDistortion GangofFour Adolescents BadReligion CircleJerks Smiths Germs Nirvana TheReplacements WhiteStripes Morphine Doors LedZepplin Yes TheKinks and of course any of the old Osmond Family Christmas albums.
On The Road, The Dharma Bums The Basketball Diaries The Davinci Code,The Alienist,Lolita,To Kill a Mockinbird,Catcher im the Rye,Siddhartha,We Got the Neutron Bomb, Bomb,Make the Music go Bang,Shibboleth,Any Crichton,Grishham,OrsonScottCard Enders Game Series,and Everybody Poops.I could go On and On.