Fleven - CD OUT profile picture

Fleven - CD OUT

About Me

Fleven is the result of a conversation between Skammy (vocals, guitar) and Matto (bass) about doing what one really feels, beside of what should be in line with modern trends. Skammy had been playing in a hardcore band together with Tilly (drums), but after some time they started wondering about keeping on doing something that was so inflated, already heard from a number of bands and, most of all, not anymore so interesting for any of them. From this willing of renewal, after a change of line up Fleven went looking for their own sound. After the first tries, what was to become the distinctive element of the band started to come out. A very instinctive and raw sound, characterized by heavy distorted guitars which somehow work as a base for interesting melodic solutions. With the add of guitarist Nico by the end of 2004, Fleven start an intense live activity that led the band to record “Learn to listen”, a promo cd which purpose was to achieve some kind of visibility on the foreign scene and eventually led them to cooperate with Alkemist Fanatix Europe.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/21/2005
Band Members:

Sounds Like:

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Fleven: the Wreck of you ..TR> Da steht man nun, als Musikjournalist und lauscht einer Promo-CD. Klingt gut, sagt man sich, aber wer sind diese Fleven? Die Suche nach einer Antwort entpuppt sich als...
Posted by Fleven - CD OUT on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:19:00 PST

Prima recensione per "The wreck of you" su baronedelmale.wordpress.com

Per leggerla vai su http://baronedelmale.wordpress.com/2008/05/07/fleven-the-wre ck-of-you/...
Posted by Fleven - CD OUT on Wed, 07 May 2008 01:28:00 PST