Evan Almighty profile picture

Evan Almighty

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Personality - Often pegged as having an older brain in my head than i should. Take that how you want. Also frequently accused of being too much a kid. Depends on the surroundings, i guess. Late nights often get either real serious and prophetic, or real goofy. I survive on Crown Royal, Guinness, Djarums, and Dank. Dry wit is my biggest vice.
Employment -When I'm not on tour, I'm a stagehand at Bogart's.I am officially chasing my dream. I travel, setup shows, meet random people, visit friends across the country, drink heavily, and take as many pictures as possible.I recently gave up my desk job. It was a tough choice, but I was offered the opportunity to travel around the country doing video production for major touring acts. At this point, I'm running a giant video wall for people like John Barber, Common, Erykah Badu, and Mix Master Mike. I'm gone until november, but here's my schedule until then:
18 st. louis
21 atlanta
23 nyc
25 washington dc
28 ft. lauderdale
1 philly
6 los angeles
8 san francisco
13 detroit
17 houston
Free Time - Listening to chill music (read: DJ Shadow, Portishead, Massive Attack) Watching sarcastic cartoons and dry comedies.
AIM - EvanTheFunkyGuy
The view from our first show in NYC, upper manhattan:
I traded my file cabinets in for these:
Yes, that is a video production computer plugged into a hotel room lamp... and the error on the screen is my computer not being able to connect to the office network (awwww shucks.)

My Interests

Random electronic gadgets, video stuff, cameras, computers, campfires, naps, aminals, acting like a kid in the most serious of circumstances, daring people to eat/drink weird stuff.

I'd like to meet:

geeks of any variety, drankin buddies, eclectic thinkers.I've been hoping to meet a nice girl to fall in love with, but alas... no luck... for the last several years. Hope I find her soon.


yea yea, everyone always says "EVERYTHING" or "TOO MUCH TO LIST." Whatta copout. I'm gonna say go listen to the background music at Chipotle. They seem to hit it on the head the best. It's all chill, downtempo, jazzy sounding stuff with a sexy bass beat. I'll gladly appreciate damn near any genre, but MY PREFERENCE is very rarely heard while out and about... unless you're plugged into my iPod. Recent finds include: Llorca, Folk Og Roevere, Blue States, Bobby Hughes Experience, Rouge RougeClick this for my streaming radio station (usually up 10am-6pm EST), then click listen at the top.


Gah. Let's just say top 3 for now. I'll fill in more if I'm ever held at gunpoint while taped to my desk chair and forced to be on myspace for a period of more than 12 hours, in the meantime:
1) Big Lebowski The plot on this movie isn't the point of the movie, it's the subtle shit that the Cohen brothers were hoping you'd pick up on. Watch this movie like 10 times, helps if you drink everytime they say "Dude."
2) Donnie Darko Ever want to have a 3 hour convo with Evan? Tell me what you think happens in this movie.
3) Aristocrats - The dark side of all the darkest comedians. BOB SAGET included.
4) Death to Smoochy - Just Quality.


futurama, reno 911, Penn & Teller's Bullshit, mythbusters, robot chicken, etc.


Jose Gaspar, the last marauder. The book that proves that I am a pirate.


Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

My Blog


full tour rig as of today: 1x Pioneer VDJ 2x Edirol V-4 Video Mixers 1x Videobrick 16 channel video wall controller 6x Cybervision DVD players 1x Cybervision DVD recorder 27x Panasonic 42" pla...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 08:31:00 PST

So I've been hired to tour the country as a concert/stage video engineer...

As I have so many people that I'm trying to let know what's going on, I've setup a photoblog with Photobucket.  The most recent pictures are on the top left, scroll to the bottom right to do thin...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 11:32:00 PST

i has a speakeasy

    so a couple days ago i clicked on the breakers.  it was a big deal.  for the first time in my life, i now had my own stage.  as the power zipped through the sub panel...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 02:00:00 PST

so you'd like to destroy the planet...

http://qntm.org/destroyPreamble Destroying the Earth is harder than you may have been led to believe. You've seen the action movies where the bad guy threatens to destroy the Earth. You've heard peopl...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:49:00 PST


being lonely blows.  i can't tell you how many times i've heard "you won't find her if you're looking"yea, well no shit.i'm not finding her by not looking anyway.eff.*joins E-Harmony*seeking girl...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:52:00 PST

Check out this event: Art & Spirits

Hosted By: Evan GasparWhen: Friday Nov 03, 2006 at 7:00 PMWhere: Spangler's Cafe419 W Benson St.Cincinnati, AL 45215USDescription:Evan Gaspar Click Here To View Event...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 08:01:00 PST


    I'll post up the exacts tonight and probably shoot out a bulletin/invite.  but for now, here's the deal.... This friday, starting whenever I get off work (about 5-6pm) things ...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Mon, 13 Feb 2006 12:21:00 PST


moved in, waterbed up, floors cleaned, walls painted, signs hung, PA system rockin, pics and housewarming details to come.  i'm so tired right now.
Posted by Evan Almighty on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 07:52:00 PST

new spot.

   New apartment.  Hope to finish the painting this weekend and begin the giant shift of all my worldly possesions.  Clean some carpet and hardwood, then we're rockin.   ...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:27:00 PST

milestone. bigtime.

Last night, I got it.  My video rig is seriously rockin, now.  I can control 5 screens in total, now. 4 independent outputs... think video wall, and one screen to control it all from. ...
Posted by Evan Almighty on Thu, 12 Jan 2006 02:57:00 PST