VAST visuals & lighting profile picture

VAST visuals & lighting

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im just a guy who is trying to figure out how to plug in this crap????other people fly it , hang it , project it , design it , plug it , tap it , run it , stack it , drive it , load it , case it , make it , ship it , program it , level it , ring it , flip the switch and ROCK YOUR FACE!!!!!!!! and then I take the credit but I have no fucking idea what day it is???? we also have everything your presentation or corporate event could need..I like to run around the country and do lights fer concerts and events .. I drive a black ford pickup truck .. i mostly subscribe to the "leaf-on-the-wind" theory ,, which means that i could pick up and leave at any time and not be back for awhile. its part of my nature to just go to see what there is to see .. if youd liek o join me feel free.. .. .. .. ..> .. .. .. ..> .. .. .. ..>
Based in Dayton Ohio VAST is your one stop for all your event production needs. Stage Lighitng,Sound,Visual Screens, Lasers, Atmosphere.... you need it we can do it for you. In the Buisness for almost 12 years now VAST has an extensive resume of events.raves,hip hop shows, car shows, fashion shows,hippie jams, corporate meetings, churches,clubs,scribble jam, Detroit Electronic Music Festival.Salem an Kool tour work. . more to come . . . . . .also check

Layout by CoolChaser
Myspace Layouts - Butterflies Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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My Blog

creedance ,, blue oyster cult ,, sweet ,, naareth ,, gin blossoms

 So yea this gig ,,,  pack was a little off becaue there were two of us working show prep a few days , ( not working hard mind you but working ) .. So when the rest of the crew showed up we ...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 19:29:00 GMT


ok so apon waking up this morning it was a beautiful day ,, i looked outside and said "horray look at how frikkin awesome it is outside today" So i get up and we get some fatty breakfast and decide to...
Posted by on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 13:44:00 GMT

the vanishing point

  Now when your in the long part of a drive and your the only one awake after a long 30+ hours of "suk" ,, theres the vanishing point there on the horizon .. usually in a flatter region. And you ...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 21:42:00 GMT

50,000+ miles and still goin

So we got one show left on this gig , and apon estimating how many miles I have put under my path this summer we estimate that its been at least 50k if not more. Being on this thing since april ( i th...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 17:40:00 GMT

san fran ,, de la sol , EPMD , Nice n SMOOTH!

 Now firdt i hafta mention that i absolutely love the time i spend in san francisco.. It is a city i love dearly ,, but this last trip out was somthin special ,, i suppose that this time was the ...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 20:17:00 GMT

back on tour ,, again .......

 so im leaving again tomorrow ,, most of you wont ntice or care ,, even less will probabaly read this ... but i do what i want so imma post up anyway. our first stop will be st louis ,, then...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 17:55:00 GMT

ordained ,, now available for weddings or funerals

yup ,, official , registered , ordained minister..  recognize
Posted by on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:39:00 GMT


 so im home for the next 3 weeks until the next leg starts. in some ways its nice and in some ways i feel like im spinnin my wheels.  SOOOOOooo aight then, been around this great country of ...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 11:01:00 GMT

all around the world same song

 so i been off the blog fer a bit . Not that there hasnt been enough to write about ,, we just got done with the west coast and i must say it was one of the better times ive had there. SF was esp...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:35:00 GMT

miami south-beach( badu , common)

so we been out on the next leg of the tour , been in miami for almost two weeks ,, on " what ive been told " were some of the hottest days of the year here thus far. I cant explain how hot it has been...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 15:55:00 GMT