Mark profile picture



About Me

MyGen Profile Generator Oh I don't think you want to know about little old me. Oh no, I don't think that's advisable. You should probably think about knowing about someone else. It's safer. I've got some very nice molluscs I could introduce you to. I reckon you'd get on great - they really know how to break the ice at parties, and if you're looking for a real good time, you could do worse than to take one home with you, a little vino, you never know your luck...To listen to some Walter Wall music, click on the WalterWall icon in my friends list. And scratch your arse in wonderment.

My Interests

I'm interested in partial indeterminacy. Aren't you?

I'd like to meet:

you tonight, eight o clock under the fridge in the belfry. We'll go shopping for new gizzards! It'll be neat!


Row row row yer boat, gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dreamNow there's a lovely tune


KILL YOUR TELEVISION! Can you kill mine too while you're at it?


anyone trying to do something that no one else has done. And anyone not trying to do something that no one else hasn't done.