MeriJewel profile picture


I believe there's a Ghost of a Chance.............

About Me

Your Hair Should Be Orange
Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.
You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices. What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color?
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
You have a Purple Lightsaber.Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. Purple denotes high spirituality and religious aspiration. Purple also represents Peacefulness and Purification. It also has a sense of intuitive understanding and a feeling of intimacy with the world.
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Today is a special day for me. For those of you that have been with me through it all, you know what I have overcome and what I overcame.. and the transition that I have made. Two years ago today was my first day off the pills that warped my world. I have come so far since then and am sooo proud of myself. Yes, life has it's everyday ups and downs, but when it comes down to it, Life is Great!! Lots of times I find myself getting down on myself over what I have lost over the years.. lost friends, lost love... Then I snap myself out of it and realize that everything I went through lead me to where I am today. And today I am much different than I was a few years ago when my mind was altered. Today I am much happier. Today I can take care of myself. Today I do take care of myself! Today I know what kind of person I want to be and I know what kind of partner I want to be and more importantly, I know what kind of partner I don't want to be!! I've done a complete 180 since I got my life back together. Now I'm able to say that I regret a lot of things that I did, I regret a lot of the pain I caused for people that I loved. But I cannot change the past.
And I'm getting another beautiful tat this month that represents my two years and the struggles I'm overcoming right now... I love it! God, I'm soooo happy!! =) Who wants to come with me?? LOL
I have bought my own place and am dealing with everything that comes along with purchasing a home. LOL... Oh boy! Taxes do SUCK! =) And I'm also dealing with being single and owning a home. Boy is that hard! But you know what? I CAN do it! I'm not afraid of being alone. (well sometimes I am!) Honestly, I can't wait to find my soulmate that will treat me with the love and compassion that I will give him. Someone I can shower with affection and that will shower me with affection. Someone that I can curl up on the couch with and cuddle. Someone that I can tell all my dreams, thoughts, worries, fears and emotions to (I wear my heart on my sleeve) and vise versa. Someday I'll find him. I know I will!! I know people like this do exist.
Hmm, let's see.. What takes up most of my time... The first thing is work, but that's okay because lucky for me I love the people that I work with. Most of them are my best friends. I love it there!! It's a lot of fun! How many people can actually say that about their job?
I love spending time with my friends! I'm always either at someone's house, listening to live music in Monterey, going out for drinks, catching a movie, out to dinner, working out, driving to Monterey and PG just for the beautiful drive, or doing anything to get out of the house.
I'm having fun getting use to having my own home. It's coming along quite nicely. My four children (Smokey, Tubby, Yoda and Spooky) love it here!!
Other than that, I enjoy soaking in the home life, taking long looks around me, taking a deep breath, and thanking God for where I am in life... =)
Pam and I are the BEST of FRIENDS!!!
Life is GRAND! I can't express that enough! My friends are the best family!********************************************************** ***********************************************************
My boyfriend Geddy... He's out on tour right now so I don't see much of him... :(

My Interests

***I've been walking a lot lately to try and become more healthy. I've also drastically changed my eating habits due to wanting to be healthy and because of some health issues that have popped back up.***

***I've also been spending more time with my parents and my sister and her family! I'm so happy to have them close to me again!***

***I love driving to the Monterey area and walking in PG and going to sit at the beach and take in the beauty. I'm really looking forward to going out and doing new things to have a great time and experience more of what life has to offer! Life is GREAT !!!! I'm having sooo much fun now!!***

***I love my cats and wouldn't give them up for the world.***

***I have loved photography ever since I was little. I take after my dad. He is a photographer and taught me young. In college I majored in Photography but fell away from it due changes I guess you could say. But I'm going to jump back in head first!***

***I love going down to the lakehouse to relax and take in the beauty of nature.***

***I also love to write. I write about my feelings and innermost thoughts and express myself in written word as well as verbal therapy with my best of friends. :) ***

***I love deep conversations with people about anything...But I love talking to people who have been through the same experiences as me...It makes me feel better and realize I'm not alone and completely fucked up...But if I don't feel that comfortable around you I won't open up and I'll pretty much be shy and quiet. I hate when I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around people.. Some people need to loosen the hell up...***

What Stargate Team Member Are You?
Daniel Jackson
You are the culture loving anthropologist you have a rocky past when it comes to relationships. But you’re damn hot!

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The Rush Test
Neil Peart
You are considered THE VERY BEST drummer in the world. Everybody looks up to you for drumming advice, and you are every drummers idol. People underestimate you because they sometimes think your a 50-year-old that knows nothing on how to play the drums. Then you send them crying home because they're pussies.

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Steve and I at Heidi's Party! Steve is a great friend! I love him to death too!!

Me and new found buddy Patrick.. =D

Steve and I at The Big 30 Party! Steve is such a great guy and a great friend! =D

Another great pic with Steve. He BBQ'd for everyone at the party! How awesome is that? Love him!

Bob and I at my big birthday bash! He is sooo awesome!

Me, Kimmy and Heidi 7-15-06... Heidi's big day! LOL

Heidi and I partying it up!

Pam and I... I love her to death!! And YES we stuck some air hockey handles down our shirts! hehe

This is my sister Shella... Does anyone think we look alike? We use to get mistaken for twins all the time! Even switched classes in high school! LOL

My sister Shella was guest of honor at the party as "Meri's Twin Stella!"

Kim and I at a Block Party!!!

Jamesy-Poo and me! He's an awesome guy!

James and I at my 30th... Still great buds! We think alike! LOL

Taking shots at Emily's party! YeeHaw baby!

My nephew, Jacob, and I....I love him!!

My newphew Jacob at my birthday! What a super cutie!!

My niece, Alannah and I.....She is soooo adorable!! I love her!!

Aren't they just the cutest!

Me and my mommy at her awards dinner for 30 years at the hospital (in the mental ward....SIKE!) hehe

These above are pictures of my house down at Lake Nacimento...PARTY!!

Me with some wild kitties in the back..

My Grandma Mary Burr (Reed) and Papa Ken Burr...They past away Jan 04..

I'd like to meet:

It's all about friends! It's always great to run into old friends and old classmates! Can't believe how many people I've found on here! It's awesome!

What Beatle are you?
John Lennon
You enjoy poetry, painting & a fine wine. A lover not a fighter.

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What kind of Bird are you?
You're most like the Raven. The Raven is pretty intelligent and so are you. You seem to have a darker personality than others or at least you seem to experience emotions a lot more. Ravens aren't as rare as some other birds which just goes to show that there are a lot of other people who feel the same way you do.

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I love Pam! Mmmm Mmm Good!

Did you know that I FRICKEN LOVE my Pammy? LOVE HER!!

On our way out the door to celebrate Kim's 25th Birthday!! 12-2-05

Kim getting fresh with me!

Me and Heidi... So cute!

Me and my buddy Kevin. =D

Photo-op with my bud Jack the Havok!! Great times!!

Sarah and I have been friends forever! Since we were just little turds!

Me and the Rivas!

Reunion 11-5-2005 Great Times Had By All!!

Myself with my good friends Annette and Joe at the 10 year HS Reunion 11-5-05

Ohhh Chris! Give it to me baby! Chris Conley getting crazy on me at the reunion!


I love ALL kinds of music...EVERYTHING..Some favorite bands are OuterEdge, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, GNR, Velvet Revolver, Matt Sorum, Def Lep, System of a Down, Static X, The Doors, Lynyrd Skynrd, RUSH, Chicago, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, America, Don McClean, ZZTOP, The Who, Pantera, Pink Floyd, Santana, CCR, The Eagles, and MUCH MUCH MORE.....I love a wide variety of music.......old and new....

What Is Your Animal Personality?
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Shrek is my security blank movie... when I need to calm down or get a great laugh that's the movie I put it..This movie got put on A LOT for me while I was sick..., Shrek 2, Finding Nemo, Best In Show - most people don't get this movie, but I die laughing every time..., It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown - childhood favorite, The Muppet Movie, Interview with a Vampire, The Lost Boys, The 5th Element, From Dust Till Dawn, Howard Stern Private Parts, American History X, Natural Born Killers, Boogie Nights, Rat Race, The Wedding Singer, Fight Club, The Big Lebowski (I'm the Dude, Man!), Back to the Future (all 3) and many more!


Okay, I haven't been watching that much TV. Especially since I moved into my new place, considering I didn't have cable/Dish for 5 months! LOL... Since then my tv choices have changed. My #1 show to watch right now is Stargate SG-1. The last episode was a bummer for me! Jack and Carter should have got it on! Oh well, I still haven't seen all of them and I'm currently watching the DVD's. I'm half way through Season 8 now.The channels that I watch the most are SCFI, Food Network, TLC, Comedy Central and E. But mostly SCFI!!
Some shows that I use to watch are (and sometimes still enjoy) SeinField, 24, Prison Break, House, Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, Law and Order, Law and Order SUV, Howard Stern, Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck, Carnival, Queer As Folk, Friends... Whatever is on the tub when I get home and clean..Reality shows - Surreal Life, American Idol....Raider games to cheer them on and Niner games to laugh....
Your Birthdate: August 19
Your birth on the 19th day of the month adds a tone of independence and extra energy to your life path.But at the same time, it poses a number of obstacles to overcome before you are able to be as independent as you would like. The number 1 energy suggests more executive ability and leadership qualities than your path may have indicated.A birthday on the 19th of any month gives greater will power and self-confidence, and very often a rather original approach. However, a somewhat self-centered approach to life that may be in conflict with some of the other influences in your life.This 1 energy may diminish your ability and desire to handle details, preferring instead to paint with a broad brush.You are sensitive, but your feeling stay somewhat repressed.You have a compelling manner that can be dominating in many situations.You do not tend to follow convention or take advice very well.Consequently, you tend to learn through experience; sometimes hard experiences.The 19/1 is a loner number and you may experience feelings of being alone even if you are married.You may take on a tendency to be nervous and angry. What Does Your Birth Date Mean?


Stephen King and Anne Rice books.....Favorite book is "The Witching Hour" - It is so Freaking awesome! I love it!!!


My parents.....and my friends who are strong through it all...

My Blog

The Look-a-Like Thing

Posted by MeriJewel on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:03:00 PST