Bensan profile picture


Just like.. Benjamin.. Bsan.. Panjanin.. B.. Whatever..

About Me

Growing towards consciousness of my higher self.. As a small example of what i experience daily.. For the last years i regularly see these on digital clocks.. when i happen to look.. 11:11.. More like a seperate 11.. 22.. 33.. 44.. 55.. also these opposites more frequent.. 21:12.. 13:31.. 14:41.. 10:01.. 15:51.. 23:32.. And less common i get equals like.. 22:22.. 11:44.. 11:22.. 22:55.. 11:33.. 11:44.. Consciousness of Synchronicity is truly beautifull.. We are all being guided.. Recognise.. And this is just in relation to my time.. Not to speak of my Present Awakened Life.. As in.. Everything i experience every single second.. N°5.. My Hidden Passion Number.. Born on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius.. I am a lefty.. Very creative.. Too serious at times when dreaming off into our spiritual realm.. Have an extremely sensitive nervous system.. Linked to what i feel from other people.. Through this without control i can get very restless.. Very individual.. Chinese Horse.. Love speed and adventure.. Independent.. Curious.. Visionary.. Very sharp and active intuition.. Philosopher.. Self-Conscious.. Bold and noble.. Concentrated and Determined.. Patient by nature.. Able to daydream.. Disciplined and loyal.. Stubborn.. Emotional and very honest.. First to admit mistakes and lessons learned.. Like passionate things.. Sometimes i simply want too much.. love travel.. change and new challenges.. i am highly adaptable if i choose to and versatile.. adore nature and its energy.. Yin Yang.. Talented in languages and generally good with words.. could love compliments too much.. I am sensual and a bit impulsive.. Like to satisfy my senses.. Which can get me into trouble.. If i could overindulgence in food.. drink.. sex and drugs could get common for me.. I am resourcefull and original.. adore magnificence and beauty.. Like to be among groups of people as well as one on one conversations but prefer the latter.. Having a good sense of humour and a quick tongue.. My desire for freedom is extremely strong and it takes effort and discipline to whatever i start.. As i tend to give up certain situations prematurely.. may be interested in too many things.. which can make it hard for me to apply myself to one area succesfull.. I am very unconventional and spiritual all together.. Love Variation..My aura became an intense violet as color.. Which indicates a higher aspect of selfless love.. Its presence appeared after i made a certain commitment to spirituality.. Guided by a higher consciousness.. The most sensitive and wisest of colors.. Reveals psychic power of attunement with self.. Violet is also the color of one who is seeking something in life that is greater than themselves.. Looking for my other half.. Balancing things up in magical ways to grow.. It reflects the blending of heart and mind with physical and spiritual.. Being inspirational.. magnetic and dynamic.. Have a deep emotional depth and compassion.. Meditation becomes of higher importance.. Can become stalemated and not knowing what to do next to accomplish my goals.. Violet color's purpose in life.. Is saying truths that other people dare not to say.. And among many other things.. Growth towards enlightenment.. Towards truth..Evolution way over perfection.. Praise Awakening and Balance.. Again.. We are now what we have learned and not yet learned in the past.. As we will become in the future what we do in the now.. Ego is an illusion.. Let go to grow.. And the only balance not to search for is between love and fear.. It does not exist.. To be or not to be.. Not as a question.. but as a choice.. I've made mine.. Make yours.. Wake TF Up and stay awake.. Eventually.. We will all become conscious of our true higher self.. Either in this life or the next.. We have to.. There is no other way.. Trust.. Satori.. And besides all of this.. I must remember to live free.. To maintain my own personality 'n keep it and my higher self in true balance.. 2012.. B..

My Interests

My life path's number.. 11.. Which indicates.. Enlightenment.. The action or state of attaining or having attained spiritual knowledge or insight.. In particular that awareness which frees a person from the cycle of rebirth.. This itself is also attained by love in its most true form.. Unconditional love.. Let the karma resolve completely.. Freedom at last.. Anything is possible with the power of soul !!! And euh.. me like art in all its forms - sports - racing - cars - bikes - airplanes - movies - games - colors - black - red - white - green - brown - forms - anything alive - skydiving - my sixth sense - experiment - meditation - numerology - seventies - religion - anything oriental - music - incense - wind - fire - water - candles - superstition - lazyness - mandalas - sun - moon - stars - jezus - egypt - philosophy - any natural phenomenon - truth - technology - astrology - astronomy - science - space - kosmos - infinity - and so much more !!!

I'd like to meet:

My twinsoul.. Again.. And everyone else i will meet eventually.. inevitably..


Anything on fire.. like euh.. ACDC - The Black Box Revelation - The Black Crowes - The Black Keys - The Datsuns - Deep Purple - The Doors - Foo Fighters - G3 - Guns 'N Roses - Jeff Beck - Jimi Hendrix - Joe Satriani - Johnny Winter - Led Zeppelin - Metallica - Nirvana - Pearl Jam - Queens of the Stone Age - Rage Against The Machine - The Rolling Stones - Rory Gallagher - Soundgarden - Stone Temple Pilots - The Van Jets - Wolfmother - And Anything else burning - Rock 'N Roll Baby Yeah !!! And i do like to listen to the sound of nature.. The Unrivalled true sound..


Haha so many.. well the following are those i own.. but any movie will do with a strong story regardless of its subject.. Apocalypto - Reign Of Fire - Children of Men - Stealth - Mr and Mrs Smith - 88 minutes - Day Watch - Bad Boys 1.2 - Snakes on a Plane - Fightclub - We Were Soldiers - A Man Apart - Matrix 1.2.3 - I Am Legend - Starship Troopers - Alien - Alien VS Predator 1.2 - Predator 1.2 - U Turn - Miami Vice - Die Hard - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1.2 - Training Day - Van Helsing - Blade 1.2.3 - The Crow - Underworld 1.2 - Bram Stoker Dracula - Constantine - Army Of Darkness - Interview With The Vampire - Death Proof - Planet Terror - True Romance - Reservoir Dogs - Pulp Fiction - Kill Bill 1.2 - Jackie Brown - From Dusk Till Dawn - The Last Samurai - Crouchin Tiger Hidden Dragon - House Of The Flying Daggers - Fearless - Hero - Kung Fu Hustle - The Forbidden Kingdom - Honour of The Dragon - Ninja Scroll - Game of Death - Big Boss - Fist of Fury - Return of the Dragon - Enter the Dragon - Gothica - Domino - Gone in 60 seconds - Star Wars 1.2.3 - Shooter - Lord of War - Judge Dredd - Transformers - Lord of the Rings 1.2.3 - Lethal Weapon 4 - The Good Shepard - Snatch - Goodfellas - Pitchblack 1.2 - King Arthur - 12 Monkeys - Bloodlust - Pirates of the Caribbean 1.2.3 - Gladiator - 300 - Braveheart - Troy - Hellboy - Xmen 1.2.3 - Hulk - Batman Begins - Fantastic Four 1.2 - Spiderman 1.2.3 - The Incredible Hulk - Ghost Rider - Superman - Akira - Home of the Brave - Aviator - Deja Vu - Ocean 1.2.3 - Rambo - King Kong - Swordfish - Planet of the Apes - The Island - Rocky Balboa - Casino Royale - Unleashed - C'est Arrive Pres De Chez Vous - Robin Hood - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Mission Impossible 1.2.3 - Ali - Collateral - Heat - War of the Worlds - Drop Zone - Point Break - The Terminator 2.3 - Dawn of the Dead - Blood Diamond - Trainspotting - Ghost in a shell - 28 days later 1.2 - Pathfinder - Independence Day - Seven - Minority Report - Vacancy - 1408 - the Mexican - Bourne Identity 1.2.3 - Robocop - Tremors - Geisha - Scarface - Natural Born Killers - Crank - Stardust - Black Moan Snake - The Transporter - Coyote Ugly - Tears of the Sun - Monster's Ball - Sin City - Platoon - Mad Max 1.2.3 - American Gangster - Perfect Stranger - Departed - Jumper - Cloverfield.. And all of them movies i have seen, enjoyed, remember and choose to collect in the future.. And if i'd lose 'em all.. So be it.. I'd still love movies..


Music and nature channels.. But mostly i use my screen for movies 'n games yeah.. This whenever lazyness kicks in.. Chill time..


Anything artistic.. educational.. spiritual or biographic subjects.. And besides that.. i like comics..


My Twinsoul (heroin) and.. Lao Tzu.. Alan Watts.. Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix.. For now..