sistercrow profile picture


Don't worry about what other people think - they don't do it very often anyway

About Me


*Rant* After a recent think I've decided that you need to know a bit more about me than just the sugary trash you normally get to read on my profile. So here goes:
I don't do it or get involved in political discussions because I see all political systems as corrupt and greedy. And I seriously don't take an interest in a band if they have a political penchant. If I like their music, I'll give em a good listen but I won't base my life around their ethos.
I'm not in need of having someone else's opinion forced down my throat; my parents gave up preaching at me when I was 12, why should I take it from anyone else?
The morality mind control for sheep. I detest organised religion because I see it as the root of 95% of the world's problems. I won't disrespect you because of your creed and beliefs, you are entitled to them; just don't expect me to bow down and worship just yet.
I'd rather marvel at the wonder of the creator in the simple beauty and colour of a flower's petals than sit in a place of worship and be told how marvellous your particular deity is.
Gives people something to talk abot when they can't manage a decent conversation. A means to gain rivalry and competition where there actually isn't any.
Disgusts me; in the UK we haven't got the luxury of a constitution which protects our basic human right to free speech. We are a "nanny state"; even after 10 o'clock in this country you can't see uncut "naughty" music vids. And everyone is out to keep the contraversial opinions quiet; in some respects it's like the 70's punk scene and the whole ethos never happened - you have to be so Politically Correct these days!
Wake up people, it's the 21st Century...GROW UP!
There are going to be times when I stick a song on my profile that you will find offensive, or I add a friend that makes you go "oooooooooh" and cringe...well, sorry but if what I do with my bit of the internet makes your cosy little world shudder a bit, is that really my fault?
Who's profile is this anyway? And who made you the profile police?
If anything I say, do or believe offends you, then by all means use your block button - it's what it's there for - believe me, if I need to I'll use it on you.
I will be adding to this when I can be bothered, but given that this is MY Myspace, I'll get round to it when I feel like it thanks.
*End Rant*

I am 57% Asshole/Bitch.
.. I am abrasive, some people really hate me, but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that I can hang out with and get me. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom
Name: Donna
Birthdate: 20 April 1967
Birthplace: Birmingham
Current Location: On mi laptop
Eye Color: Blue with green rings apparently
Hair Color: Blonde/Purple (supposedly)
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Could be less
Piercings: Nose, ears, soon will be lip and eyebrow
Tatoos: Yep..2, nowhere near enough
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Yep, just the one ta :-)
Overused Phraze: cya later
Food: Balti/Chinese/Italian
Candy: Prefer crisps
Number: all of em if they start £ and end in 00
Color: Red/Black/Purple/Pink/Orange
Animal: Have been called that in the past
Drink: JD & Coke, No Ice Ta
Alcohol Drink: That's wot I said!
Bagel: Maccy D's breakfast bagel - otherwise no ta, they suck.
Letter: One in a white envelope for a change ;-)
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes/smile/dimples
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: MaccyD Breakfasts, Burger King everything else.
Strawberry or Watermelon: Yuk
Hot tea or Ice tea: Either, depends really
Chocolate or Vanilla Again, yuk
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Depends on the time of day.
Kiss or Hug: BOTH! NOW!
Dog or Cat: Dog; cats are just vermin.
Rap or Punk: GOOD Rap or OLD Punk.
Summer or Winter: Summer; don't like being cold. And I suffer from S.A.D.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary Movies
Love or Money: Easy Come, Easy Go
Bedtime: Should be earlier.
Most Missed Memory: Birmingham's OLD Alternative Scene
Best phyiscal feature: You tell me...
First Thought Waking Up: Groo, coffee!!!!!!!!!
Goal for this year: Hmm, Redecorate my home I think.
Best Friends: Pete, Jayson, Eddie
Weakness: tall blokes with good hair
Fears: Hmm, being hemmed in by a large group of ppl.
Heritage: English with questions, lol
Longest relationship: 12 Years
Ever Drank: Still do
Ever Smoked: Still do
Pot: No, allergic, I whitey like a biatch! [Thanks Phil!]
Ever been Drunk: That's wot JD is for luv!
Ever been beaten up: Once, a LONG time ago.
Ever beaten someone up: Yes, several times, a LONG time ago.
Ever Shoplifted: Once, to prove I could
Ever Skinny Dipped: Too fappin cold in the UK
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Errr durrr...been a while tho
Been Dumped Lately: huh no, I DO the dumpin darlin!
Favorite Eye Color: Not fussed, it's about intelligence, not colour.
Favorite Hair Color: NOT BLONDE!
Short or Long: Long
Height: Has to be taller than me by at least 4"
Style: Alternative/Metal only. No point otherwise.
Looks or Personality: Sense of humour, interesting looks, fantastic personality. Nuff said.
Hot or Cute Always cute...Hot soon cools, cute lasts forever.
Drugs and Alcohol: NO drugs!
Muscular or Really Skinny: Normal, not self-obsessed, it'd make me paranoid abt gettin nekkid, lol.
Number of Regrets in the Past: Regrets are experiences you haven't learned from.
What country do you want to Visit: Australia/Indonesia/Mexico
How do you want to Die: Swiftly with no pain.
Been to the Mall Lately: Shopping centre darling, and no, can't stand em.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love em!
Get along with your Parents: In small doses.
Health Freak: God no!
Do you think your Attractive: Read above
Believe in Yourself: Yes, je pense donc je suis
Want to go to College: Been - would happily go again.
Do you Smoke: Yes
Do you Drink: Yes
Shower Daily: Wash/Bathe - haven't got a shower yet.
Been in Love: Thought so, twice..dunno.
Do you Sing: When alone, or washing up. I sound terrible.
Want to get Married: No, I'd take it too seriously and be a nightmare ;-)
Do you want Children: Already have one. Thought about fostering at one point tho.
Have your future kids names planned out: tut
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 40 ;-)
Hate anyone: You wanna know something? I don't hate anyone.

Currently too much work, too little play. Have lived my life backwards...I'm not going into it, just ask if you want to know. Just looking for the same kind of friendship network that most teenagers have and take for granted. Eccentric, alternative and old :¬) that's me...and preferably that'd be my kind of friends too.

The "proud parent" bit on the other side means I am mother to a son who's 21 - I did say I've lead my life backwards :¬) My late teenage years are now because i didn't really have them first time around, and that's no loss - I AM an adult, but I still have my son AND my life. I'm entitled to some fun and enjoy still being part of Birminghams' alternative scene, which includes the punk/goth/metal aspects, and I know some wonderful people of ALL ages!

Stop The Farce

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
Your soul is bound to the Rose Petals: The Wronged.
"I've come undone and
all hopes of mending me are gone
because the pain took my soul.
Can't you see?
The only one who can put me back together
is me."
The Rose Petals are associated with sorrow, reflection, and wisdom. They are governed by the goddess Persephone and their sign is The Teardrop, or Broken Love.
As a Rose Petal, you are always self-reflective and may be hard on yourself.
You probably have been hurt in the past by other people and can sometimes distance yourself, as a result.
You don't usually let others get too close to you, but you are very good at mending your spirits back together by yourself.
Take this quiz !

My Interests

Music, in a big way, mostly goth/EBM/darkwave as well as viking/folk/black metal..also seem to be doing a lot of punk lately - mostly going to gigs. See the music section for more.

Warhammer 40k!!!! - am on my 4th army now - just started with Black Templars. Also have 4000pts Orks, 2000pts Daemonhunters, 2500pts Necrons...Sad, but good clean INTELLIGENT fun - and it gets me outta the house.

I also like bingo - don't laugh; not played for ages tho :-( I dunno how the grannies stand the tension, they must have nerves of steel!

When the mood takes me, which isn't often enough, but I can feel a spate coming on, I like to paint. Am totally incapable of painting on anything other than a black background tho, so I think one of my biker jackets is gonna get a treatment pretty soon. Also have no imagination, by I can copy like you wouldn't believe. Subject matter will be dark/gothy and will artwork by kind permission of s2tsdoodles, the originator of said piece - thank you for being cherub enough to grant me your permission!!

I like to read, but I think there's another section which covers that so, like my musical interests, I'll do a bit more detail there.

I currently enjoy spending time with my other half; a sweet lil punk munkey with a temper even bigger than his ego - if you know him, then you'll know how true this is ;-) Uncoof Yoof that he is, just gotta love him :-)

I'd like to meet:

DEVVO, so I can bang the CHAV TOSSA OUT!
Probably Johnny Depp, coz he needs an eccentric, English, adult, female like me, to make his life complete :-)
I'd happily swap Johnny Depp for Pete Steele life wot a man!! Would also consider Glenn Danzig if he was a bit taller ;-)

Or these stunning boys, CNK (or Cosa Nostra Klub...formerly Count Nosferatu Kommando) - I LOVE this band:

(That's just in case they don't add me :-)) update, they did :-)
I challenge anyone in a BAD MOOD to NOT enjoy "Get A Gun, Shoot At Random". Click it, go your headache a favour!

Some More Stuff

?? Which Angel Or Demon Are You ??

Take this quiz !

I am 94% Punk Rock.
.. I am PUNK AS FUCK! The model punk. I care not for anything. I kick ass, but probably smell really bad. Take the
Punk Rock Test
@ FualiDotCom
I am 77% Metal Head.
.. I was born with the mark of the beast on my forehead and an axe in my arms. I am the god of all things metal! Now if only I could get my parents to give me back my car keys..... Take the
Metal Head Test
@ FualiDotCom
I am 91% Goth.
.. 24-7 I am a freak. Every day is halloween. The creatures of the night fear me. Take the
Goth Test
@ FualiDotCom

Type A

People with A type blood are sensitive, revengeful, careful and cold. You are fiercely grudge holding and never let go of anything - but also a good friend and an extremely loyal one. You are passionate and creative and don't care what other people say about you.

'What does your blood type say about you?' at

You scored as Diamond Eyes. You are full of confidence, just don't let it go to your head. Its great to know your worth it! Isn't it:D Just remember those of us down here. You are probably quite popular.



Eyes full of Pain


Diamond Eyes



What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with

Your Personality Profile
You are elegant, withdrawn, and brilliant.
Your mind is a weapon, able to solve any puzzle.
You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.

For you, comfort and calm are very important.
You tend to thrive on your own and shrug off most affection.
You prefer to protect your emotions and stay strong. The World's Shortest Personality Test

You Have A Type B+ Personality
You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions Do You Have a Type A Personality?

You scored as Anarchism
















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

You will attain ultimate glory in ...

Darts - namely because you put pictures of your enemies on the board and then get them right between the eyes

'In what rejected sport will you attain your greatest glory?' at

What Kind of Goth Are You?

Take this quiz !

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You Have Your PhD in Men
You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful. How Well Do You Understand Men?

You Are 44% Sociopath
You're not a sociopath, but you're very prone to antisocial behavior.
Other people's opinions matter little to you. You live your own fringe life - for better or worse. Are You A Sociopath?

Your Brain is 33% Female, 67% Male
You have a total boy brain
Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts
And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...
You never like to get feelings too involved What Gender Is Your Brain?

You Should Rule Mars
Mars is a planet that shines brightly and loops wildly around the solar system.

You are perfect to rule Mars, because you are both energetic and independent.
Like Mars, you seems attractive and bright to others - but you're difficult to pin down.

You are a great thinker, but you only think in the present and ignore the future.
Full of enthusiasm and inspiration, you are into your own thing... and rather insensitive to others. What Planet Should You Rule?

Right, this animal thing...I stole the Crow from Midian, for obvious reasons, but then I decided to go back and get my Raccoon, for honesty's sake, however when I went back and re-entered my birthday, I got a Peacock, so I tried it again and got a's a SCAM :) Try it for yourself, at least twice. Now that I know it's a pile of toss, I'm KEEPING the crow.
You Were a Crow
Eternally wise, you have a deep understand of ethics.
You guide people from the darkness to the light. What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
Word of the Day Free website tools provided by The Free Dictionary

You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?

Your Hidden Talent
You are a great communicator. You have a real way with words.
You're never at a loss to explain what you mean or how you feel.
People find it easy to empathize with you, no matter what your situation.
When you're up, you make everyone happy. But when you're down, everyone suffers. What's Your Hidden Talent?

The Picto-Personality Test

You are a person who is very calm and kind. You go out of your way to help people who need your help.

When alone, you like to relax and do exactly what you feel like doing at the time.

You are romantic, and when you are with your partner you like to woo them with your imagination.

In the future you will be happy and live richly.

Take this Test at

Your Birthdate: April 20
You are a virtual roller coaster of emotions, and most people enjoy the ride.
Your mood tends to set the tone of the room, and when you're happy, this is a good thing.
When you get in a dark mood, watch out - it's very hard to get you out of it.
It's sometimes hard for you to cheer up, and your gloom can be contagious.
Your strength: Your warm heart
Your weakness: Trouble controlling your emotions
Your power color: Black
Your power symbol: Musical note
Your power month: February What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Advanced Global Personality Test Results

Extraversion |||||| 30%
Stability |||||||||||| 50%
Orderliness |||||| 23%
Accommodation |||||||||||||| 56%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellectual |||||||||||||| 56%
Mystical |||||||||| 36%
Artistic |||||||||||| 43%
Religious |||||| 23%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Materialism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 43%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 43%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 50%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 63%
Need to dominate |||||||||| 36%
Romantic |||||| 23%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 70%
Wealth |||| 16%
Dependency |||||| 30%
Change averse |||||| 23%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 43%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Physical security |||||| 30%
Physical Fitness |||||| 24%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 63%
Paranoia |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Vanity |||| 16%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Female cliche |||||| 23% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

What type of metal are you?

Thrash metal.
Very fast, yet very heavy metal. You focus on speed at all times. Includes the likes of early Metallica, and Six feet under.
Click Here to Take This Quiz

Your Deadly Sins
Envy: 40%
Wrath: 40%
Sloth: 20%
Gluttony: 0%
Greed: 0%
Lust: 0%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14%
You will die at the hands of a jealous lover. How ironic.
You Are a Visionary Soul
You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness.
Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connected to your soul.
You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable.
Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings.

You have great vision and can be very insightful.
In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself.
Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend.
You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer.

Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You? How Sinful Are You?

My Comment Box
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Instead of clicking on "Add Comment" link on the bottom, just use the box below to write me a comment.

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Saw Cradle do this live and it was AWESOME, so much better than this version, but hey, I like it anyway :-p

Pathetically BAD bands STOP TRYING TO ADD ME - chances are if I want your music, I'll FIND AND ASK YOU. Please know that if you make music for zombified stoners, I will totally never add your band. Don't take it personally; just can't stand all that stoner cr4p - I don't like stuff that fries young minds and turns em into zombies.

How much do you know about extreme metal?

Expert Metalhead
You have a vast knowledge of the many forms of underground metal. Relish in the fact that you are above most. (Nokturnal Mortum)

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Oh my! Where do I start?

I'm old, but music has always been an important backdrop to my life, from listening to Jimmy Saville on Radio 1 on Sunday morning with my mom (they used to play stuff from the beginning of time, namely 1950's and 60's :)) right up to now where I seem to be surrounded by metallers and EBM/darkwave fiends.

I'm just a goth at heart, with many musical influences from other genres.

Was lucky enough to see the onset of true punk, "The Sex Pistols", "The Clash", "The Damned" and later "The Dead Kennedys", "GBH" and "Exploited" were the soundtrack to my younger years - mainly thru the stuff my friends' older brothers were listening to. I'm sorry, but "Greenday" just haven't got what it takes to be called punk by my generation but I woud say that "The Offspring" have tho :-)

I went thru' the ska revival in the 80s as a very young fan of "2-tone" and still love "The Beat" and "The Specials" etc. Then I found "Visage" and my life kinda changed after that...they were called "Blitz Kids" then, not "New Romantics"....from that I evolved to goth - a natural progression - and have kinda stuck with it.

Spose I need to do the "list your bands" thing..ok, here goes:

From my childhood, I still love: The Doors, The Zombies, Anything of the Motown kind, old rock n roll and the big-band stuff from Glenn Miller. There's also Black Sabbath to include here; my parents used to have the odd beatnik party and play Sabbath all night. Then theres:

After this is:


AND loads of nu-metal and nu-goth, interspersed with classic rock and cheesy hair metal can be heard here at various times of the day.

I've missed out LOADS of bands...believe me there are soooo many more.

I also like to have my eardrums assaulted by rap, hip-hop and some RnB.

My current absolute favourites are Kamelot, (glorious vocal), Tumour UK (glorious dark depths) and local band, Anaal Nathrakh, (absolutely superbly NECRO METAL). i don't like sloppy music and I can't stand jazz.

My classical collection is small but growing, and consists mostly of JS Bach's harpsichord concertos, medieval chamber music and Gregorian chant:
Create your own Music List @ HotFreeLayouts!

This is what I've been listening to recently - the stuff that plays thru winamp anyway - doesn't include the tracks I've heard on myspace tho'.If there's any rubbish on this list like "pantera" or "machinehead" it's coz my son has been playing dodgy music thru my lappy, or Edd has been playing something sketchy. Something tells me I should change my passwords for this machine AND show them how to get their own winamp playlists! Fappin kids!

To get your own chart, sign up at Last FM, Formerly "Audioscrobbler" and download the plug-in for your media player or winamp.

Guaranteed to make me smirk everytime: ..
Bands - A Work in Progress..

Click to visit their profiles - will open a new browser window, so you can come back to me when you've had a listen :-)


Hefty French Black Metal - Not for the feint-hearted! Count Nosferatu Kommando

Brum's own masters of brutal death / grind! Life Denied

Experimental and evocative metal - with surprises! Tumour UK

Experimental / Progressive Metal - deep n moody! Nodrah Evissam

Total fcking NECRO - go on, do it to yourself! Anaal Nathrakh

Death / Thrash from Leicester. Fab band. Black River Project

Vocals to die for! More commercial than those above, but still fabulous! Kamelot

CoB influence is heavy, but these lads and lass need to be mentioned here. Musta Talvi


Horror punk at it's best from my local luvlies! Obnoxious UK

Damn fine punk that is intelligent and fun. 3CR

Good ol Brummy punk at it's best! Rotunda


Not so many of these, not really a movie fiend.
Into sci-fi and psychological horror as well as old hammer films. I also like car films and cartoons. I collect "Asia Extreme" and "Hong Kong Cinema" dvds.
Some of my favourites:

Create your own Movie List @ HotFreeLayouts!
Looks like a lot, but compared to some of my friends, I'm really not into films, especially those based on books or games, they're just never as good as the original, or your own imagination....saying that tho' the Doom and Res Evil films are absolutely perfect!!
I LOVE this little vid; put together my my son's mate, REAPER (search on for reaperreaperreaper to see his other stuff!). Film clip is from "The Punisher", music is Count Nosferatu Kommando's "Get a Gun, Shoot At Random" - one of my favourite bands/songs ever!


Television is the medium for mushrooms and cabbages; those who like to be kept in the dark and fed loads of ********, and to feel that life is leafy and green.

Eastenders, The History Channel, and all of my cable music channels; yes I admit to quite liking Kerrang!, but I wish I could get Scuzz as well.

That's about it on the TV front.

This is better than TV: ..


Oh so many!

Again it's sci-fi or more often sci-fantasy that gets me; I like the pure escapism. Having very little of my own imagination means that I can truly appreciate the work of more enlightened imaginative creatures than I :¬)

Some of my favourites: Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, 10 books so far, plus a prequel, and still no sign of a conclusion. John Norman's Gor series, 26 books the last time I looked; all about an alternate universe, female slavery and huge great warriors....wonderful! Men are men and women are at the men's feet, on furs if they're lucky. Fab :¬) Anne Rice - obviously. David Eddings - The Belgariad, what more can I say? Frank Herbert's Dune series. After his death, Herbert's son Brian and friend Kevin Anderson used some original notes to put together a prequel series of books for the Dune universe, these totally enhance the original story and give the whole saga such amazing "padding". Terry Pratchett - Discworld Series- incredibly funny, incredibly well written, incredibly intelligent observation of humanity and everything else. Any series that goes on for more than three books is fine by me. Marion Zimmer-Bradley's Avalon series; beautiful. Oh, and to completely go against the grain, Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons are absolutely cracking stories. Dan Brown writes like a fast car ride; you know you've gotta stop, but you dunno when you can. I couldn't put these books down till I'd finished. Lev Grossman's The Codex - a book about a book that could also be a game - combines history with mystery and a game programmer with Asperger's Syndrome; this was an excellent book. C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia - I retire to this when I need to regenerate completely. Tolkein - The absolute master of them all. Poets - Byron, Keats and to some extent Shelley, but Lord Byron has to be "the daddy" of goth peotry.
Again I've missed loads out. If you can think of any authors or series that you'd like to recommend to me, then please do, I'm always up for an interesting read and you can't beat a good recommendation sometimes.

I'm a practical person at heart, if I need to read a reference book I will, and frequently do, but those above are my total favourites in terms of getting away from reality; something I like to do because, let's face it, life can be pretty dull.


I don't believe in hero worship, so this is just to say how much friends and family mean to me. This includes the people I've known for years AND the people I'm getting to know as I go along. I see you all as heroes for putting up with me - you all make an old burd very happy.

My Blog

Rhyl & Update

It's taken a while for me to get round to this - work got in the way of myspace unfortunately, but its all good on that front - due to the last 6 months intensive hard work, we passed OFSTED inspectio...
Posted by sistercrow on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 02:55:00 PST

A Quickie..

Sitting listening to an amazing album..Sopor Aeturnus & The Ensemble of Shadows - Es Reiten Die Toten So Schnell (or The Vampyre Sucking at His Own Vein)..and it occurs to me that I listen to some...
Posted by sistercrow on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 05:38:00 PST

Ignore this ,it's an exercise

Third-hand lines.Second-hand promises.Once spoken for the first time.Repeated forever.An endless cyclein life's circular dance.Same linesDifferent facesSame actionsDifferent places.Nothing is original...
Posted by sistercrow on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 12:26:00 PST

Chrome, Cookers and A Kettle

Ok, I am not a domestic goddess, as anyone who knows me can easily testify. I detest housework, but when the energy levels allow I do actually attempt some...this is a sexist rant so any blokes readin...
Posted by sistercrow on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:32:00 PST

Starbuck's - My First Time!!

Went for a coffee with Lynds yesterday evening - which was good coz we hadn't really caught up in ages. She isn't my lodger anymore, as you may or may not have known...i think she got fed up of trying...
Posted by sistercrow on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 06:12:00 PST


Strange how things work out? All I know is I'm happy. I'll get round to telling you why at some point   Until then, if you ain't heard it from relevant parties..or you ain't seen it with your own...
Posted by sistercrow on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 06:34:00 PST

For My Friends >:-)

Category should be Life & Friendships!A happy blog for a change!!!This is just to say to Ade, Harley, Jonno, Matt, Rhys, Sam, Richard and the other lovely youngsters who were in Costers last night...
Posted by sistercrow on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 04:24:00 PST

HA stoopid men! AGAIN

I'm getting back on my hi-horse about men again!! Wind me up and watch me go......OK, I posted a blog a while ago about the stupidity of remember that one right? If you don't, midian has ...
Posted by sistercrow on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 01:40:00 PST

I Feel Gooooooood.....

This blog has a know that song, I feel good, dununununun, like i knew that i should now dunununun...Can't remember who it's by but the whole thing is summarised by this lil pic: ...
Posted by sistercrow on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 02:05:00 PST

Curse of The DRONGOs Strikes AGAIN

I'm a muppit!Decided to drive to the Gallows to see the "Mouthguard" gig...parked in an early closing car park (10 poxy 30) thinking I'd be able to grab a better spot round the corner once the "theat...
Posted by sistercrow on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 02:50:00 PST