My daughter. She's just the cutest. Brooklyn, manhattan, Gin and Tonic, Mojitos, all nighters, concerts, sporting events, sandy beaches, The Big M, vocal trance, 80's music, paint paint and more paint, my wicked farmers tan!, slow beats, song singing out of key hymn, crooked paintings, late nights, early mornings, numb hands, taco eating, sleeping, milk shakes!, 7up, clubs, bars and anything opened late or shouldn't be opened at all
A sugar Mama
A bunch of old shit punk rock and funk anything goes I'm mood driven. But vocal Trance is my working music. Radio station of choice is PARTY 105.3, best damn thing in LI
Diddy ft. Keyshia Cole "Last Night" music video new
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streaming trance -- here's a few that I like: secret window, sleepers, terminator, starwars, dune, conan, god father, sleepy hollow, what lies beneath, vision quest, rocky, jaws, pulp fiction, kill bill, nemo, mulan, roger rabbit, warriors, matrix, falling down, spiderman1&2, dust till dawn, mamba kings, dawn of the living dead, old school, deer hunter, rambo, gi joe a classic, all retro cartoons, some anime, any slasher movies, thrillers, action, south park, indepent and alternative films, escape from thunder dome, master blaster!, tron, stupid sci fi, ghost ship, baseket ball, waterboy, pirates of the Caribbean, shrek1&2(I'M A REAL BOY!), punisher some quality porn. and much much more!
simpson, er, tlc, discovery, history, comedy central, cartoon net, hbo, vh1, pbs, wb, animal planet, food net,spike tv, any sci fi
um political stuff... I know sad.
Just IM me at chippedbone