I love reading and music, music, music! Kansas City Royals (true blue fan, even when they suck), Kansas City Chiefs.
Thanks for the pledge, Heather!
Give a cheer for Kansas City,
Loud and clear for the red and gold,
As the Chiefs march on to vict'ry
Like Our mighty teams of old.
Beat the drum, here they come
Warriors, brave and strong.
In the stands, loyal fans
Cheer their team along.
Mostly Country. Some 80's - what can you expect, that's when I grew up. One of my current favorites is Tom Wurth. He's a new artist with a real country sound.
Anything with Harrison Ford :) I don't care if he is almost my father's age - he sure has aged well.
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Almost anything (not really sci-fi). I am always in the middle of a book. I've been reading a lot of biographies lately such as Buck O'Neal, John Wayne.
My mother. She has done so much for us. She went back to school and got an associates degree at 50 - I can still do it! She's also not afraid to go out & have fun herself. She helped introduce my sister & I to concerts by taking us as kids. She still goes & we certainly do!