I have always asked myself, regarding ''€uropean Community'', when I take a look between 'UK and '€urope', I really don't understand the whole thing, people & government from there in the UK seems like they are all agree with the fact that they don't want to be 'IN €urope', that is not a secret and ofcourse, they do have that 'right', but, in fact, they don't want to lose any chance in making 'bussiness' IN €urope, when there's an €uropean Convention, UK wants to have their Vote, they want to be listened and understood, they went to make decisions, they want to be present in every corner of the Old Continent but, not to be 'IN €urope', how can we understand that, we ask, we demand in €urope a lot of 'efforts' to new countries coming in €urope from the former East and, we have asked them a lot to do but, at the other hand English people are allowed to keep their own money, to keep all what they want to keep, they are allowed to pretend that they are not 'IN €urope' but in fact they are more and more 'IN' for everything concerning this area, do they know that??! I'm sure they do!! I don't have any intention in being NASTY for free, nooo, I guess, more than one person around here would be agree with me in that point, when you 'belong' to something, or you are 'IN' or you are OUT, you leave, nobody is forcing UK to be IN €urope, I guess... Perhaps I am not that good in English to express myself about this 'delicated' Theme.....
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