What's good everybody this is ya girl chanizzle. I just recently graduated from Houston County High. 07! I am a firm believer in Christ. He has done too much for me in my life to deny his reality. I'm on my way to the V-town (Valdosta) for school.I'm an aspiring Christian clothing designer, music producer, club owner, and WNBA team owner. (Yes, I know it's a lot but it's what I want to do.) I can't really complain about too much because God has been awesome in my life. I enjoy being with my friends and just being able to be myself. I seem quiet at times but if you take the time to get to know me, you will find a very deep thinker but a crazy, hilariously funny person. I love listening to music. I got a crazy flow if anybody wanna ever challenge me one day. I just like to have a good time and I like to make people laugh. Shout out to all my people reppin the GROVE ZONE! U kno who u r! Shout out also to M.O.T. who is doin it real big!If u want to know more about me, just ask.
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