Ms. Entrepreneur profile picture

Ms. Entrepreneur

It's my time for His favor, it's my time to be blessed.

About Me

What's good everybody this is ya girl chanizzle. I just recently graduated from Houston County High. 07! I am a firm believer in Christ. He has done too much for me in my life to deny his reality. I'm on my way to the V-town (Valdosta) for school.I'm an aspiring Christian clothing designer, music producer, club owner, and WNBA team owner. (Yes, I know it's a lot but it's what I want to do.) I can't really complain about too much because God has been awesome in my life. I enjoy being with my friends and just being able to be myself. I seem quiet at times but if you take the time to get to know me, you will find a very deep thinker but a crazy, hilariously funny person. I love listening to music. I got a crazy flow if anybody wanna ever challenge me one day. I just like to have a good time and I like to make people laugh. Shout out to all my people reppin the GROVE ZONE! U kno who u r! Shout out also to M.O.T. who is doin it real big!If u want to know more about me, just ask. PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

My Interests

Playin ball, writing, music and church

I'd like to meet:

God, Nikki Teasley, Cynthia Cooper, Lisa Leslie, Farrah Gray, Cross Movement, 11six cliqueView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

Me and Danielle


Holy Hip Hop


Love and Basketball, Coach Carter, The Incredibles, and Finding Nemo, The Barnyard, anything animated, Hitch, Guess Who, any comedies, and all of Tyler Perry's collection


So you think you can dance, mtv cribs, spongebob, tbn, steve harvey show, my wife and kids, all of us...much more


Bible, Reallionaire, and Rich Dad Poor Dad, Your Best Life Now, Ridiculous Faith, and Campus CEO



My Blog

A Letter to Satan

Dear Satan, I serve you notice right now that everything you have tried to do to break up my sanity and my family is abolished by the spirit of God.  You have no reign, power, or control over my ...
Posted by Ms. Entrepreneur on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:22:00 PST

A Life Full of Prosperity and Favor

Right now in my life everything is starting to fall into place.  All of the sacrifices that I've made when I chose to live for God and not the world are paying off.  Don't get it twisted, I ...
Posted by Ms. Entrepreneur on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 01:58:00 PST