Vreeland and Carmel Snow in the 50s This layout was made by Awesome Layouts By Katielayout made by: Awesome Layouts by KatieLayout Provided By LayoutsPlus.com - Browse Layouts
The list is endless...
Top tip of the day: Steeling Magnolias, Marie Antionette, Pride and Prejudice, The Draughtsmans Contract, Notes on a Scandal, Pulp Fiction, Bourne Ultimatum, Constant Garden, Miss. Potter, A Mighty Heart...
Planet Earth and nothing else
Foyles, Tate, MOMA (NY), V&A, Urban Outfitters, Charing Cross Rd old style ladder ones; best book collections in the world. Big coffee table books - fashion, music, graphics, photography, sculpture, history of art & dress, greek classics, history in general, poetry, literature, the list is endless.
My cleaner, Carmel Snow, My grandma, Oliver Osborne, Isabella Blow, Eric Clapton, The Bauhaus group, Philippe Starck, Klimt, Prince, Mick Jagger, Marc Bowlin, Clare 'the-greatest' De-Pulford, The 1990s ravers, Minnie and her hubby Mickey Mouse, Geogina Howell, Paul Poiret, Picasso, Monet, Manet, Milton Glaser, Anna Wintour, G man, James Brown, Borat, Alexandra Shurman, Laura Bailey, Grace Coddington, Edward Johnston, Juith Watt, Mario Testino, Nick Knight, Craig McDean, Sir Philip Green, Buzz Lightyear, Tom Ford, Wilie Walters, Gandhi, Mandela, The Pope, Bob Marley, Mother Teresa, Magaret Thatcher, Katherine Hamnett, The team at ShowStudio and Iqons, People who protest their rights, Madge, My mother and father, Anna Piagga, Jackie Kennedy, Kate, Daria, Naomi, Snoopy, Neil Armstrong, Linda, Christy, Cindy, Lee Widdows, Westwood, McQueen, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, De La Soul, Yoko Ono, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrisson, The Beatles....