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ALWARO NEGRO is a quartet based in Latina, Italy and plays
instrumental spy-psycho-punky-surf'n'roll music. The band was formed in the
fall of 2002. Members of ALWARO NEGRO are RO and WA
on guitars, Crasto on drums, A.N. DR. on
ALWARO NEGRO loves classic and modern surf music like Dick
Dale, The Ventures, Link Wray, The Trashmen, Man or Astroman?, The Phantom
ALWARO NEGRO loves the rock'n'roll gods Sonics and
ALWARO NEGRO loves labels like Estrus, In the Red, Crypt.
RO has been guitar player in a hardcore band called Opposizione
from 1991 to 1996 and has played in Campionato
Italiano , an electronic music project, Bambino Stanco,
a schizo-surf band, and in Sigariforme, an alien surf band.
WA has been member of Mistral On Tiga, noise-funk-surf-punk band, 42° Parallelo and Niuz Pus , a freaky mr.bunglish band.
Crasto has been guitar player in Opposizione and played drums in Bambino Stanco, Niuz Pus and Nihil. He actually plays drums in an obscure band called wedontcareaboutnames .
A.N. DR. has been guitar and bass player in Opposizione, Bambino Stanco, Niuz Pus and actually plays in wedontcareaboutnames .
Some reviews of the new cd...
Italy's highly original Alwaro Negro use the surf sound to color dangerous music. Often intense and moody, and always compelling, the sounds within are well worth exploring. It's a ways from trad surf, but not outside the city limits.
Ultra Caravan () ****
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Deep rumbly bass and an unusual rhythm predict danger down the road. Part surf, part rock, part suave, "Ultra Caravan" is a very cool track that's quite original in character. Strong imagery, tuff melody lines, and solid production.
Belva () ***
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
"Belva" is the not-so-nice object of attention. This somewhat heavy shadowed image of lurid fascination beckons irresistibly with a dark riff and circular melody line.
The Washed Stomp () ****
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
This is a cool song with a playful and structure and dissonant underbelly. Slightly odd, on the verge of dangerous, and not quite serious, "The Washed Stomp" is just quirky enough to be compelling.
Frisbee () ****
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
"Frisbee" flies darkly across the lawn of your imagination. In your dreams, its edges are razor sharp, and you know you can't catch it and keep your hands attached. The other possibility is the dog you tossed it to is a wolf out to get you. Either way, is a fanciful and slightly dangerous flight.
Centrifuge () ***
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Riding in a "Centrifuge" is likely not like this. The song has a simple but effective riff and dark charm. The ska chords add a light sense of play.
Too Many Knots To Untangle () ****
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Angular and disquieting, "Too Many Knots To Untangle" coveys the frustration the title implies, as well as a sense of not enough time to save the day. Very cool!
Comb () ****
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
The utility of choice for your combover, "Comb" playfully bounces between light and dark in an imaginary rock structure. Pretty fun.
Universal Clean () ***
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
Big whammy chords sting the darkness with nervous energy in this somewhat angular epic. Surf as a platform for angry danger. Quite mean.
Root () ****
Surf Instrumental (Stereo)
"Root" is a surf romp across a darkened square where danger lurks unseen. Spy elements and surf collide in a back alley.
Who are they? Italian exponents of "instrumental spy-psycho-punky-surf'n'roll music" (or so it says here), from the rather beautifully named town of Latina. Clean is a demo CD-R, featuring nine riff-heavy tracks, which proudly wears its influence (Dick Dale, The Ventures, The Trashmen, Man or Astroman and The Phantom Surfers - or so it says here) on its sleeve.
What's good? A powerful, in-your-face, sound, with some fine playing from Crasto (drums), Andrea (bass), Ro (guitar) and Wa (guitar).
The drums in the intro to Centrifuge: massive!
What's bad? While riffs abound, melody is in fairly short supply.
HangNine Rating: PDG - Visit the Alwaro Negro website for more details.
Pretty Damned Good
...questo quartetto di punk-surfer arriva da Latina dove esercitano sotto l’egida Alwaro Negro dal 2002. Clean! è il loro secondo demo e mette insieme otto tracce strumentali nel segno di - appunto - surf-punk e spy-core, il tutto sgranato garage come un fibroso reperto d’epoca. Non è un genere che sorprende, però intrattiene e movimenta con ruvida efficacia (voto: 6.5/10)
Alwaro Negro - Clean! (9tx cd, 22'o4" - self. prod. 'o6) - Alla ricerca dell'onda perfetta? No, cmq è musica surf, strumentale, esotica, di carattere indie, tra lo spy e la spiaggia californiana, qui registrato in presa diretta (bella performance), cosa che dà un pizzico di garage al tutto, con chitarre in riverbero / delay corto, ripide scalinate e inseguimenti, ottime percussioni in 4/4, angolari e godibili. Da latina & dintorni. Il genere è un bel pò inflazionato, ciò non toglie l'ottimo esercizio di stile e tiro, e hanno adrenalina. [vedi sotto x gli mp3]
//Alwaro Negro - Clean! (9tx cd, 22'o4" - self. prod. 'o6) - Looking for the perfect wave? Not really, btw it's surf music, exotic, instrumental, indie-driven, between a spy plot and californian beach, - here recorded live in studio (good take) - thing that gives everything a garage-like touch, with guitar under reverb / short delay efx, steep guitar lines, playful pursuits, - an excellent drumming in 4/4, angular and enjoyable. From latina, centre italy. Surf music genre is pretty inflationated, but that doesn't mean Alwaro Negro's nine getaways aren't a good style exercise, full of adrenalyn.
Arrivano da Latina (o giù di lì) gli Alwaro Negro. con queste giornate, calde e soleggiate c'è da dire che un pò di surf'n'roll è sempre ben gradito. Ed è proprio questo che ci portano, in questi due lavori, aria di mare alla Dick Dale, Man or Astroman?, The Ventures, The Phantom Surfers e tanti altri della scena surf classica e moderna. Gruppo formato da musicisti che in passato hanno suonato un pò di tutto, in diversi progetti di musica "esterni" al genere proposto qui che poi, in un futuro molto surf, si sono trasformati in quello che ascoltiamo in questi due demo (che si possono trovare e scaricare da qui).
La miscela musicale è la classica del surf'n'roll: chitarra tremolante, brani brevi e un pizzico di punk e spy sound che non fa mai male in questi lavori (guarda la cover di "Mission Impossible" dei Laika & the Cosmonauts ndAV).
Insomma, buttando un occhio anche sui Ramones questo gruppo è da definirsi estivamente orecchiabile :)
dategli un'orecchiata e supportate la buona musica!