Just Your Average Aussie Bloke.
I'm a son of a carpenter of a son of a carpenter of a son of a carpenter's son and so on yeah and I was a chippy myself for a while too.This is Amos isn't he the fuckin coolest
one of my mandalas
If you think our universe is a random co-incidink have a closer look.
it's about time the world's religion's came out of the dark ages and stopped squabbling admit the truth none of you have the answers so stop pretending like you do.
Like yeah sure after creating this whole universe do you think the creator would be a petty rascist who dictates war and punishment and encourages murder and slavery Grow up because heaven and hell are a state of mind which you can choose so bring love and joy into the lives of others and you will find your heaven exists within you.
Lickarse poonspace Editor V3.6 !