JUDY profile picture


*Guardian of Lost Souls*

About Me

*Click  HERE to check out my Gemini Productions II page*
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CURRENT MOON about the moon
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*My cat Thoth* passed away on ,06-07-06. He was 16. I will miss him more then anyone can imagine. He was the best thing that ever happened in my life. My heart is broken*
*Now About Me* *This is my Family*
For starts I am German /Austrian. 100% Gemini, 5' tall brown eyes, long black hair, I do not have not have a barbie doll build sorry** I may be older then you, and only 5' but I can Kick Ass, I can keep up with anyone, just ask my friends, I love my family and my three (3) kids Two boys and one girl.Six (6)grandkids.Three girls and three boys. Yes, that is correct you read that right. But I feel younger then I did when I was your age. I have an Egyptian Hairless cat(THOTH) a Black domectic cat(ISIS) a rat( MARIUS) a box turtle(ALUCARD) a white and purple male Beta fish(SPOOKY)he passed away June 2007, I have a cat I feed in the yard ARMAND). I feed a neighbors' cat cat I call, Buddy he never gets to go in his house,stupid owners He is mine now and lives in my house* I also feed racoons and oppsums on the porch and in the yard. I love all my pets as well as all wild animals****I had two rats LOUIS and LESTAT they passed away in 2005.MARIUS my rat, passed away in June right after THOTH this year 2006.I have a new cat that was found at the cemetary where I feed starys and racoons. Her name is GEMINI she is a light Torti.Then the new baby AKASHA a black 1yr old little girl was adopted form a woman that found her out side her house 2006.She has been here one yr. I just got two Parakeets FEONA and SHREK Oct 2007 form a friend. I am taking in ARMAND from the yard when it gets colder. He is ferrel and he will be in my basement till he tames down. Gee can you guess what books I read by the names of my pets????? HUMMMMM!
I was married for 27 yrs and one day woke up and knew I was not where I belonged in life. Back in 1964 I used to ride with a biker gang in my neighborhood, Harleys of course Leather and Lace those were the good old days. They all became Hells Angels execpt one that owns a bike shop in Trevose. I loved riding with the wind blowing through my hair and going over 100 mph on the highway RUMMMMM!!!! I also was on TV on American Bandstand once...hehehhe. Went to all the dances I could since I was 12 yrs old. I was born dancing* I did the twist back then and now all the way from slow Goth to hard core at Club Shampoo now. When I got divorced in 1989 I Started dating younger guys and still do...
I discoverd Goth in 94 and also have been a Metalhead for years.and Yeh! I am 2 yrs older then Ozzy* I was around before Metal was born. I am still a Metalhead, Damn, I'll out head bang you any day..lol I am very open minded. A bit bi -curious. Managed bands off and on from 94 to 96. Still oppend for any one that needs promoting, Gemini Productions II, I am Manager for Aramark for going on 7 yrs now in the vending room in charge of the vendors and all guys in my room yahooo!(Mistress of the Vending Room)No longer working there as of Sept,2007
My whole back is tattooed as you can see in my pic, with Black Angel Wings, also my wrist a rose heart and thorns,right calf flying black panther also on my chest that was re done by Keir "MY NEWEST" is on my left CALF A CHESSER CAT. A tongue ring, I have three piercings in each ear*Had 2 nipple piercings but one worked it's way out and the other got ripped out OUCH!!!! I took Greek Belly Dancing Lessons and danced at the Middle East once still can do it. I am an Ordained Minister of the Universal Life Church since 2000. My Church" The Guardian of Lost Souls"
I have a sympathetic side to me and a caring mommy side to my friends an family. I was deemed *The Guardian of Lost Souls* by my friends, "I need a castle" for all my strays human and animal, I am a good listener and advisor, as age and experience brings Wisdom and Knowledge, But learning never stops with age*** I will go to the limits to help anyone I will be your best friend of your worse enemy, My theory "an eye for an eye" Bite me and I will bite back harder.
I love to laugh with my friends and we do a lot of that. We play board games or cards and it always turns into a laughing session. I am always up for having fun! I write poetry and I am writing a book on my True My Life and all the crazy and weird things that happened to me.Do Vampire role playing.Hang out with friends as much as we can. I am very romantic and sexual ahhh yeh!! I love candle lite. Hot bubble baths a glass of wine soft music *not always alone* I am trained Massage Therapist damn good at it too**. Love little Goth guys, Metalheads, lots of percings tattoos, long hair, guys shaved heads, no normal hair cuts PLEASE.I also like the punk rock look, the weirder the better.(FREAKS) OH YEH!
I was on the Judge Joe Brown Show in 2000, in Califorinia I won $1,500!*** Went to the Comedy Club that night and hung out with Andrew Dice Clay, I gave him a massage(LOL) and met all the comedians that night. "2003" at the NJ Metal Fest - Met "DIMMU BORGIR" Hung out ON THEIR TOUR BUSS and Alexi from Children of Bodom, And "CRADLE of Filth" backstage(LUV YOU DANI) Met and hung out with BETSY PALMER "JASON'S MOM" from FRIDAY THE 13th. For three days I hung out with her at the "2003" MONSTER MANIA, She is so cute.She picked me out of the croud because of my Goth cloths and made a remark on my BIG BOOBS! ..Bella Morte was also at the Monster Mania great guys....met some old friends from the club. there too.
I love Going to concerts, Metal Fests, travel,day trips antique shopping.I am into B&D. I am," Mistress Candra",Obey Me! I like inventing ways to finish my home decorating and such I can't fix your computer ,but I can build you a house*, I investigate things that go bump in the night, my home is haunted, long story*, with my dancing at the club, meeting new people. Love to travel I want to go to Europe, England, Austria, Germany, and Norway. Always up for new things to do. So never say to old! Some friends call me "Gothic Granny!" LOL, But I am a 17 yr old trapped in this body. I'll try anything once and if I like it I will do it again. Can you keep up with me? This is me so Take me or leave me. Your Loss if you pass. Now take a Deep Breath,**** ANY QUESTIONS????? GET BACK! *****I'm Not Weird I'm Gifted*****
Keir is my Tattoo Artist of Gemini Tattoo!!!!!! Please drop by and comment on Keir's beautiful work**
Now that I started Gemini Productions II this year, Along with my partner Bob we hope to take the bands as far as possible* I know they deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!
*****You Guys ROCK******
You can also visit my other page at GOTH ,"Guardians of The Heretic"
********************* MY PETS************************ ********************MY FRIENDS*************************

Hey if you are interested in my other siade,"here ya Go"
I Am

Which tarot card are you?
****OK THIS MAY TAKE SOME TIME TO READ*****If you think the Goth is a Label then don't read this* ATT: I am now an Ordained Minister of the Church "Guardian Of Lost Souls"
You're a witchy woman! Chances are that you see
Morticia Addams as a role model, and your
wardrobe sports a fair amount of black. The
other mothers at school pick up may look
askance, but your kids already know that the
judgement of others isn't what counts.
What kind of a freaky mother are you?
brought to you by QuizillaGOTH *****..."I'm Not Weird I'm Gifted"**********"People Fear What They Do Not Understand, And Destroy What They Fear". We are free to be as we choose***Let no one stand in our way**** WE ARE GOTH!!!!! OK I get a hint..I have seen the comments "GOTH is DEAD". Well I myself think that if it is Dead why is so many of us Still Dressing Up?? Why do you buy the Music and go to the Clubs? And what do you call it?? All I know is I refuse to follow the crowd and wear cloths that cost $$$$ and look like everybody else. I do not dress up in full makeup and lace and frills everyday.I do not go around shouting hey I am Goth look at me. I don't die my hair black to be Goth I like it excuse me, I do wear sweat pants ,sneakers, band tee shirts and what ever I want. OH and I own a white bath robe and slippers EEK ! does this mean I am not Goth?.I hate fashion followers.It is not the color I hate it is the I got have it because it is in style thing.. F* that. I like purple and green and red and dark blue and burgandy,gray and some white.I am me and I will go to bargan and thrift stores and make up my own cloths, before I pay for production line fashions that go out of style in a yr and you have to keep on getting new cloths every yr or ,look like a dork,This way I design my own fashions hey I have things that are over 20 yrs old and can make new cloths from them , I have no labels with someone else's name on it..Why do I want to make them rich? Dah !!Also you have to be tooth pick to wear most of the styles out there any way.. I am woman with curves , Is there anyone real out there any more?Saying Goth is Dead is letting society brand us to become as they all are. Plastic People. I never said you have to be Goth .Be who and what you want to be never let anyone say you are stupid for that. I don't do it for attention.I do it for me.So go ahead make fun of me call me names..at least I am not a want-to-be. I am not a weekend Goth or a club Goth or a look at me I am Goth.I am the real thing.So what's your excuse?It is just the same as being accused as a murderer because I wear black. I am make of flesh and bone as you and have feelings as you do. Maybe you are scared to be called Goth like it is a sickness? I have balls I don't care what anyone thinks.This is my choice.What's your Point?Like the Cruxshadows song says," Leave me alone I'm a Freak"......Got a problem with it? It just pisses me off for the word Goth is such an ear sore.if you don't like it don't do it.I could care less how you dress why do you care how I dress?So if you agree to this let me know..If not go away..Who Cares***************no skin off my back..Stay Out of Our Way and I Will Stay Out Of Yours,No need for stupid remarks.I will not reply to any of them.I will not stoop to your level I am not saying I am better then you I am just not You. HEY !I am open minded I will not judge you so don't judge me.(GOTH GOTH GOTH GOTH)Ahhh did I scare you..? "Guardians of The Heretic". Any of you left out there? Please if so..Defend what is left of us. Don't let them take away who we are and become what they want us to be. Goth is not dead .It is just Misunderstood. Show them we refuse to trade off to human injustice and disrespect.We are the Matrix of society..Individuals that are not stamped out with cookie cutters one of a kind in our own way. Artistic by nature and Peaceful in heart.Leaders not followers, Miss judged by our cloths put down as being evil.Stand up for who we are as we are free to be as we wish. We Are****** GOTH "Guardians of The Heretic" I may be 60 but I am for real*

My Interests

Music,dancing,movies,cooking , traveling,the ocult,Vampires, Collecting Living Dead Dolls,Art,Goth Dolls,Monster Characters,Posters,Alchemy,Antiques, Remodeling my home, Decorating,tarot card reading, Making new friends, writing poems, movies, going to concerts* midleval, love to take rides any where, my business Gemini ProductionsII, My cats Thoth and Isis and Alucard my turtle, all the wild animals I feed in my yard, rescuing animals of all kind,my family, friends, Egyptain History, investagate ghost sightings, interpiting dreams, I am writing a book about my haunted home, supernatural events, videoing, photography, nature, anything that keeps my attention longer then a blink of an eye. I am a ture Gemini. Love a challenge try me!


Faires faries in the night
Little beams of dancing light
Sounds of laughter songs of joy
Some are girls and some are boys
When the morning light grows near
One by one you disappear
When your gone I will trust
You'll leave behind some fairie dust*

By: Judy Johnston 2004

I'd like to meet:

Anyone that is into the same things,that is willing to exchange ideas and just plain chat. Anyone into Black Metal,Goth,B&D,Guys,bi- girls,sissy goth guys, gay guys,bi-guys BANDS!!!* I LOVE GAY GUYS **submissive? anyone with artistic views on life. to join me in my unpredictable ,wild adventures ....You'll never know,what you are missing till meet me.I do not like fake people and lier's..I am truth full and I expect the same form you*Lies are for fools and they will catch up to you some day!*Blessed Be*

ATT: WANTED Looking for a like *Jack* gay guy as on Will and Grace*****To hang out with or have as a roomy*this is for real!!

************************************************************ *****************

Click above for the Vampires of Hope's Covenant


Cradle of filth Nymphetamine
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***************YUMMY DANI****************

Genitorturers (CLIP.. 2) Live In Dallas- Granada Theater - 9/1/06
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***Liebe der Filme I*** Interview with a Vampier, The Hunger, Dracula, Lord of The Ring, Harry Potter, The Haunting, Friday the Thirteenth, Halloween,StangLands, Edward Sissors Hands, The Texas Cainsaw Massacure(original), The Others, Sleepy Hallow,Scream, Frankinsein, The Exorcist, Ghost Story, Creep Show, Omen, Child's Play, The Shining, HellRaiser, Sleep Walkers, Dawn of The Dead(original), Lost Boys, House on Haunted Hill, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Fallen, Dusk to Dawn, Final Destination, Salem's Lot, Army of Darkness, Psycho, Blade, Men in Balck, Matrix, Bones, Gothika, The Mummy, Freddy, Rosemary's Baby, Nosferatu,Too; Box Murders,Terminal,House of a Thousand Corpses,Texas Chainsaw Masacar,Devil Wears Proda,May,Wilard, Queen of the Damned,Omen,Monster In-LawThe Other

Devil's Rejects(Monster Mania 2007) *no sound*


NOT MUCH!!! To Busy,,,,,But if I do get the time, ER, Will and Grace, Friends, Cooking shows, Lost, TLC, History, Queer Eye for a Straight Guy, South Park, Tales Form the Crypt, Simpsons, LifeTime for Women, Animal PLanet, SNL, Trading Spaces, TLC, Food Network, Discovery Health, Haunted Places,A mericais Most Haunted, Scariest Places,Lost, Maybe I say Maybe*** MTV 2 Headbanger Ball (only the good old Metal bands)


My Own I am writing,All Ann Rice Books,Vampire,Egyptian,Occult,Witch Craft,Ghost,Demonology,Dreams,Astrology,Nature,Anamils,The Earth...*SO FAR*

Click above for the Vampires of Hope's Covenant


My MOM and DAD. My friends for being there for me, my family my kids, My cats, my Grandson Baby Brian that passed away the day he was born September 14,1996**. I LOVE YOU*** Thoth for being my best friend*Miss you All* *Also anyone that can be to true to themselves and doesn't follow in the wrong footsteps*

My Blog


Send this eCard !...
Posted by JUDY on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 11:19:00 PST

*The Witching Hour Ball*

The time is getting close for the trip to New Oreans* Me and three freinds are leaving on October 26th and will be staying till the 28th...First up that Friday when we get there early in the morning.....
Posted by JUDY on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 05:30:00 PST


Posted by JUDY on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 08:02:00 PST


Wow about 9:30 pm tonight I was watching a movie,(Vacancy) and all of a sudden I heard the police hellacopter getting very close,then the light was directed on my block..I went out to see what was goi...
Posted by JUDY on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:25:00 PST


WOW! I painted my granddaughter's room today Princess Purple.like this font!  she had Sponge Bob yellow all over before  and she still likes him but she is a princess and she likes that bett...
Posted by JUDY on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:38:00 PST


Well I know you all will think I lost my mind* I was getting my car inspected ,I dropped it off and had to wait for my son to pick me up. While I was sitting outside I saw a woman come out side and wa...
Posted by JUDY on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 10:09:00 PST

Goth Dateing Sites

Can anyone tell me what's up with Goth Date Sites??? What the "F" are people that have nothing in common with Goth or Metal doing on a Goth Site in the first place*** DAH!! the people that run theses ...
Posted by JUDY on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 05:50:00 PST

New Direction

Jeremy went home early  to go to a party and get ready for school*and I am now looking for my new job.I hate driving so far and want to get something closer.I have had a few job offers and now I ...
Posted by JUDY on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 02:32:00 PST


Well I amy be moving on to a better job soon* I am looking to move up in the work situation. I am tired of traveling back and fourth on 95. I have some opportunities I am looking into and I need to de...
Posted by JUDY on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 03:39:00 PST


Becoming Free - A reminder ofthe principles of life?   1: Life does not work through indecision. Indecision promotes blocks, confusion and stress. Make a decision and allow life to find move...
Posted by JUDY on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 09:33:00 PST