Music,dancing,movies,cooking , traveling,the ocult,Vampires, Collecting Living Dead Dolls,Art,Goth Dolls,Monster Characters,Posters,Alchemy,Antiques, Remodeling my home, Decorating,tarot card reading, Making new friends, writing poems, movies, going to concerts*
midleval, love to take rides any where, my business Gemini ProductionsII, My cats Thoth and Isis and Alucard my turtle, all the wild animals I feed in my yard, rescuing animals of all kind,my family, friends, Egyptain History, investagate ghost sightings, interpiting dreams, I am writing a book about my haunted home, supernatural events, videoing, photography, nature, anything that keeps my attention longer then a blink of an eye. I am a ture Gemini. Love a challenge try me!
Faires faries in the night
Little beams of dancing light
Sounds of laughter songs of joy
Some are girls and some are boys
When the morning light grows near
One by one you disappear
When your gone I will trust
You'll leave behind some fairie dust*
By: Judy Johnston 2004
Anyone that is into the same things,that is willing to exchange ideas and just plain chat. Anyone into Black Metal,Goth,B&D,Guys,bi- girls,sissy goth guys, gay guys,bi-guys BANDS!!!* I LOVE GAY GUYS **submissive? anyone with artistic views on life. to join me in my unpredictable ,wild adventures ....You'll never know,what you are missing till meet me.I do not like fake people and lier's..I am truth full and I expect the same form you*Lies are for fools and they will catch up to you some day!*Blessed Be*
ATT: WANTED Looking for a like *Jack* gay guy as on Will and Grace*****To hang out with or have as a roomy*this is for real!!
Click above for the Vampires of Hope's Covenant
Cradle of filth Nymphetamine
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***************YUMMY DANI****************
Genitorturers (CLIP.. 2) Live In Dallas- Granada Theater - 9/1/06
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***Liebe der Filme I*** Interview with a Vampier, The Hunger, Dracula, Lord of The Ring, Harry Potter, The Haunting, Friday the Thirteenth, Halloween,StangLands, Edward Sissors Hands, The Texas Cainsaw Massacure(original), The Others, Sleepy Hallow,Scream, Frankinsein, The Exorcist, Ghost Story, Creep Show, Omen, Child's Play, The Shining, HellRaiser, Sleep Walkers, Dawn of The Dead(original), Lost Boys, House on Haunted Hill, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Fallen, Dusk to Dawn, Final Destination, Salem's Lot, Army of Darkness, Psycho, Blade, Men in Balck, Matrix, Bones, Gothika, The Mummy, Freddy, Rosemary's Baby, Nosferatu,Too; Box Murders,Terminal,House of a Thousand Corpses,Texas Chainsaw Masacar,Devil Wears Proda,May,Wilard, Queen of the Damned,Omen,Monster In-LawThe Other
Devil's Rejects(Monster Mania 2007) *no sound*
NOT MUCH!!! To Busy,,,,,But if I do get the time, ER, Will and Grace, Friends, Cooking shows, Lost, TLC, History, Queer Eye for a Straight Guy, South Park, Tales Form the Crypt, Simpsons, LifeTime for Women, Animal PLanet, SNL, Trading Spaces, TLC, Food Network, Discovery Health, Haunted Places,A mericais Most Haunted, Scariest Places,Lost, Maybe I say Maybe*** MTV 2 Headbanger Ball (only the good old Metal bands)
My Own I am writing,All Ann Rice Books,Vampire,Egyptian,Occult,Witch Craft,Ghost,Demonology,Dreams,Astrology,Nature,Anamils,The Earth...*SO FAR*
Click above for the Vampires of Hope's Covenant
My MOM and DAD. My friends for being there for me, my family my kids, My cats, my Grandson Baby Brian that passed away the day he was born September 14,1996**. I LOVE YOU*** Thoth for being my best friend*Miss you All* *Also anyone that can be to true to themselves and doesn't follow in the wrong footsteps*