Odnoglazniki.xy... profile picture



About Me

"Одноглазники.ху..." это проект, аналогичный "Одноклассники". Только мы объединяем людей по школам другого рода - панк, хардкор, грайнд, краст и прочим.
Наша цель:
1) объединить людей схожих культур и идеологий;
2) через плэер в профайле раскручивать новые команды и знакомить с ними наше сообщество;
3) общаться с группами и музыкантами;
4) вести дискуссии на темы музыки, политики и различных движений.
Авторами данного проекта являются:

"Odnoglazniki.hu..." is a project, similar "Classmates"("Odnoklasniki" on russian). Only we unite the people on schools of the other sort - a punk, hardcore, grind, crust and other.
Our purpose:
1) unite the people of similar cultures and ideology;
2) through profile music player untwist the new commands and introduce them to our community;
3) communicate with music bands and musicians;
4) lead discussion on subject of the music, politicians and different motion.
Project authors are:

My Interests

Interests: Internet, Friends
Hobby: Music band
Lifestyle: Anarchy, Freedom, Music

Interests: Cyberpunk, Fire-arms, Indians, Philosophy
Hobby: Drawing, Music, Bicycles, Literature, Web-design, Mosh
Lifestyle: D.I.Y., Straight-Edge, A.C.A.B.

You are now marked on my visitor map!

I'd like to meet:

Punx, Oisters, Hardcore guys and grrrls, Skinheads, Vegans, Straight-edgers, Crusters and others.
We are proud our friends!


Oi!, Streetpunk, Hardcore, Crust, Punk, Screamo, Grindcore, Noise, Digital Hardcore, d-beat


Atari Teenage Riot, Berlin, 1 may 1999

My Blog

Interwiew with Together band

Odnoglazniki project presentsInterview with Together  band Interview were conducted by Comrade_OPK OPK: Hello! Whence you lad, what city? How many people in your band, how long you pl...
Posted by Odnoglazniki.xy... on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 08:35:00 PST

=B5@2LN A 3@C??>9 Together

Odnoglazniki project ?@54AB02;O5B=B5@2LN A 3@C??>9 Together =B5@2LN 1@0; Comrade_OPK OPK: @825B! B:C40 2K ?0@=8, :0:>9 3>@>4? !:>;L:> 20A 2 3@C??5, 402=> ;8 83@05B5 8 ?0@C A;>2 > 60=@...
Posted by Odnoglazniki.xy... on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 05:15:00 PST

5=L 0I8BK 5B59 (Day of Children protection)

!53>4=O 1 8N=O, 5=L 0I8BK 5B59. 5B8 MB> >4=0 87 A0B>@0O 5ABL C =0A 2 687=8, 45B8 MB> =0H5 1C4CNI55. >MB> E>;8BL, ;5;5OBL 8 E>@>H> 2>A?8BK20BL, GB>1K 2 AB0@>AB8 =5 ...
Posted by Odnoglazniki.xy... on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 11:07:00 PST