underground/extreme music, pointless analysis of shitty films, counterstrike, math, physics, dice chucking, chess, playing music(poorly), 8 and 16-bit video games, contempt
sci-fi/fantasy/post-apoc geeks, people with large amounts of weed, fans of bad/trash cinema, music nerds, people who will send me their zines, chess players, people who like to argue. whatever...this is stupid.
doom/sludge/slowcore/etc/////black/war metal/////grind/////hardcore/crust/punk/////thrash/power/dea
th metal/////noise/ambient/soundscape/drone/etc/////some other bullshit
Currently in high rotation:
Wu-Tang - 8 Diagrams
Alcest - Le Secret
Lifelover - Pulver
Amesoeurs - Ruines Humaines
Anti- The Insignificance of Life
Darkestrah- Sary Oy
Wigrid - Die Asche Eines Lebens
Walknut - Graveforests & Their Shadows
Torturium -Black Lunatic Chaos
Damaar -Triumph Through Spears of Sacrilege
LIK- Besvartade Strofer
Mgla - Presence
Mgla - Further down the nest
Nae'blis - Beyond the Light
The Austrasian Goat - s/t
The Ruins of Beverast - Unlock The Shrine
Negurã Bunget - Om
Make a change... kill yourself - II
Darkspace - ii
Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea
Birdflesh - Mongo Musicale
Blood of Kingu - De Occulta Philosophia
I watch alot of documentaries and conspiracy type mumbo-jumbo.
...also...I will watch absolutely anything relating to the Sci-fi/Fantasy and Post-Apocalyptic genres. I also love humour-gore, bad Italian cop movies, any Rutger Hauer film, Van Damme movies and monumental failures in the medium of cinema. Everything else I'm very picky and selective about.-------------------Some films I enjoy off the top of my head:
Conan the Barbarian, Blood of Heroes, Waterworld, Bad Taste, Dead Alive, LOTR, Cemetary Man, Maniac Cop, Bladerunner, Alien, Cannibal the Musical, Bottle Rocket, Yellowbeard, The Road Warrior, Apocalypse Now, Dr. Strangelove, Mindwarp, Moon Trap, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, This is Spinal Tap, Mr. Death, Avalon, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, They Live
Currently reading:
Malicorne Earthly Reflections of an Astrophysicist - Hubert Reeves
Hyperspace - Michio Kaku
Underworld - Graham Hancock