Each year, the meat industrial complex abuses and butchers nearly nine billion cows, pigs, sheep, turkeys, chickens, and other innocent, feeling animals just for the enjoyment of consumers. Each year, nearly 1.5 million of these consumers are crippled and killed prematurely by heart failure, cancer, stroke, and other chronic diseases that have been linked conclusively with the consumption of these animals. Each year, millions of other animals are abused and sacrificed in a vain search for a ‘magic pill’ that would vanquish these largely self-inflicted diseases. Alex Hershaft, PhD, President, Farm Animal Reform
Anyone who has an open mind ....Your eyelids are getting very heavy, you are very sleepy, sleep now.....
You will now be concerned with the plight of all animals, the environment and your health. You realize that the only way to solve all of these problems is to choose a vegan diet. You will now awake, feeling well rested, craving tofu and wanting to go towww.goveg.com
Steven the Vegan has something to say......
We're living on a planet that accepts the murder and torture of animals for human convenience. We're fed those lies from the moment of birth... that animals are here for us to do with them what we please. What choice do we have as infants to see where we are wrong? The fucked up system that we have solely depended on must be brought to its knees, so that future generations do not blindly cause suffering as we have.
Through peaceful protests and persistence we would like to change the lives of animals who endure unspeakable cruelties in slaughterhouses, fur farms, animal testing labs, puppy mills and when used for entertainment.
Do you want to help us make a difference? Join our animal welfare group and speak for those who do not have a voice. Our events are held in Burlington, Hamilton and Toronto. If you would be interested in participating in educating people on animal welfare issues please email us . We would really like to hear from you. Along with doing various peaceful protests we will also be holding vegan pot lucks to show people how easy living a vegan lifestyle can be. The time to start taking an active interest in animal welfare is now!
Laura and Andre, Campaign Managers
[email protected]
A hero is anyone who actually does something to help animals. Just saying "Oh that's too bad I love animals" when hearing of an animal in need and then doing absolutely nothing is not a true animal lover. You can be a hero to animals everywhere by reading this article:
It's about what really happens to animals in the: fur trade, entertainment industry, laboratories, puppy mills, and shelters.
Please print copies of this article or have copies made at a printing store. Then spread the word! Give this to everyone you know: at home, at work and at school. Put it in your neighborhood mail boxes and even on bus and subway seats. Send it over the internet to people. Then hopefully more caring people like you will do the same thing. It’s like a chain letter but it’s for a great cause! Please start …Your Chain Of Compassion Today!