For my basic interests - drum roll please - my dog Dakota, Detroit Red Wing Hockey, Fort Wayne Komet Hockey, hockey in general, reading, sports, music, snow and ice, the Great Outdoors...
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If I could go back in time I would love to meet Pete and Jerry Cusimano - storeowner'a in Detroit's Eastern Market. They threw the first octopus onto the ice on April 15, 1952, and that would be the time I would have loved to have met them. The rest is tradition!
I have been on a huge country music kick lately. Get it? Kick... Hello? Oh well. Actually I listen to just about anything. I'm a big Rammstein fan, so think of me when you hear them.
I don't watch that many movies. I saw Shooter the other night and thought it was pretty good. I was more impressed with the guns and was naming them as I saw them. Not the actually gun name but more like Beth, Tina, Myriam...
Center Ice is the best! Survivorman is on the top of my list too. Right now I am watching Geologic Journey on Science. Speed is great on Sunday mornings when F1 is in full force!
I have started reading "The Reagan Diaries" right now. Yeah, you are not a Republican until you read "The Reagan Diaries"!
First and foremost, my parents are my heroes followed closely by my older brother. Without them I would probably be lost. After them though, and being a huge sports nut, I would have to say that I look up to Steve Yzerman and the late Walter Payton. Throw in Steven Fletcher – his style of hockey hooked me on the game I love today - and all is good.To all the brave men and women who serve in the armed forces, thank you.