Hayden profile picture



About Me

I got a black and white picture of a clothes line for my profile to make me look slightly arty and cool, giving me more cred with the indie kids. Truth is I hate clothes lines.
I don't really use myspace that much any more. Just to let you know.

My Interests

I like lots of things. I like getting mail.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who doesn't like music. Have a heated debate.


After losing my Friday 10-12 show on bFM, i've been relegated to the weekend. (Apparently my show was eating into my Fridays too much. Not working enough.). So, you can listen to my radio show if you want, now fortnightly, Saturdays 2-4pm on 95bFM . Listen, and perhaps send me abusive txts.

I really like new bands that are good. They excite me. I'm sick of shit music.


Me And You And Everyone We Know, Goodbye Pork Pie, Sideways, Eternal Sunshine, Elephant, Singing In The Rain, Shawshank Redemption, The Life Aquatic, The Royal Tenenbaums, Broken Flowers, Lost In Translation, Fight Club, Memento, Napolean Dynamite, The Castle, The Dish, Forgotten Silver, Braindead, Bad Taste, Meet the Feebles, Heavenly Creatures, The Gold Rush, Chinatown, Breathless...


EML when it was on, The I.T Crowd, Trailer Park Boys, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Extras.


On Beauty (Zadie Smith)


Anyone who's really funny. Eddie Izzard, Ricky Gervais, Rhys Darby. Here's what Rhys Darby had to say about the micro-chipping law:
I've always been a strong believer in the human/robot world. Yes, one day in the not so distant future we will all be electronic beings. New Zealand is leading the way with microchip technology and very soon mans best friend will be 'chipped'. A bill to scrap the law on 'microchipping' dogs was recently defeated in Parliament. What does this mean? Well long story short it means humans (that's you and i) will be next. On your birthday a tiny microchip will be inserted somewhere where you can't scratch it out and then forever more you will be connected to the master computer in Wellington. Government officials will be able to keep a track of your where-abouts at all times, except when you go through a tunnel. Eventually public access to the chip location software will be approved and then everyone will watch each other like dots on a radar screen from their home computers. Oh and we all know what comes with chips don't we? No, not fish (mind you, they'll be chipped at some point) but pins. Yes pin numbers. When all humans are 'chipped' we will be issued with pins as well. Before you can have sex with another human you will have to know their pin code. Young humans intent on mating will be denied foriegn body access untill they are over the legal age. Pin numbers will only be revealed to the individual on their 18th birthday. On the downside when you split from a partner you'll have to change your pin. You wouldn't want your ex getting stuck into you while your not looking. As further proof that kiwis are turning into robots, the world is finally coming to terms with the amazing news that Mark Inglis succesfully scaled Mt Everest with two artificial legs. That guy truely is a machine. And less than a week after this news a man in Nelson tried to sell his amputated leg on the internet. He'd been keeping the tattooed right leg in the freezer for the last 15 months and suddenly decided it was time to auction it off on the 'Trade-me' site with a reserve of $3000. The police put a stop to him before a single bid could be made. It makes you think though, if we do all end up with chips in our bodies, maybe limb swapping will become a black market trend?