in·ter·est noun something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person: His interests are philosophy, chess and pooping.
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mu·sic noun an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color(only if on really good drugs.)
mov·ies noun A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity. (Smokey and the bandit part 2 = greatness.)
tel·e·vi·sion noun An electronic apparatus that receives such signals, reproducing the images on a screen, typically reproducing accompanying sound signals on speakers and makes human beings dumber by the second.
book noun a number of sheets of blank or ruled paper bound together for writing, recording business transactions. It was put down in favor of the television.
he·ro noun a being of godlike prowess and beneficence who often came to be honored as a divinity. They usually let you down when you meet them. Superman is an asshole.