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It's Time To Unite The Middle!!

About Me

The purpose here is to urge Midwest Americans to unite for our own benefit. As Americans, we have been politically and economically exploited so that other parts of the United States can grow and prosper. We have lost our jobs, our families have bore hardships, and our quality of life has declined so that others can have more. The Midwest is the backbone of America, and in some ways, even the world as a whole. NE liberals do not represent us. Southern and Western conservatives do not represent us. So we must stand for ourselves, or continue to decline while others advance AT OUR EXPENSE.The Midwest, in this group, is defined as any U.S. State or Canadian province that is : 1) directly adjacent to the Great Lakes 2) directly adjacent to the Ohio River 3) directly adjacent to the Mississippi River above the Ohio River.Are you tired of wildeyed Texans, wacky Californians or liberal New Yorkers representing the views and activities of the Midwest? I sure am. Our quality of life, and the future of our children are at stake. We need to unite for us! Join me! Bill Jones

My Interests

Helping people help themselves.

I'd like to meet:

Midwesterners who are tired of being used and are ready to again have a fair slice of the American Pie. The Midwest Group is not a Democratic or Republican group. Our views are a proper mix of both.


Bob Seger, John Cougar Mellencamp, REO Speedwagon, Styx, Chicago, Cheap Trick, Rick Derringer, Donnie Iris, Grank Funk Railroad, Tesla and other solid Midwestern rockers!

Chicago (the band) Takes the Stage- "Beginnings" (1977)

The great band from 1977, in their prime.



Hoffa, Around The Corner To The Light Of Day, Red Heat, The Blues Brothers, The Untouchables, anything else Midwestern.

George Bush Use of Secret Law

Feingold is one of the few taking on the Bushes.

Bush admits CIA has secret prisons

Bush admits to, indirectly, circumventing Congress.


Drew Carey, ER, That 70s Show, and anything else ... you know.


Upton Sinclair, Carl Sandbergh, and more.


Abe Lincoln, Johnn Glenn, Frank Lloyd Wright, George Halas, Paul Brown, Larry Bird, Tom Johnston, and so many more ...

My Blog

The Fallout of The Bailout

I wanted to write something today about the significance of what the $700 Billion Bailout really means, because, for some at least, it is not yet really hitting home. I'm not laying the wood on anyone...
Posted by Bill on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 01:06:00 PST

Official Endorsement: Hillary Clinton

Hey readers, how's it going out there? Not real good is it? The Republicans have pushed through a $700 million dollar bailout, while the stock market tanks down to 8,000. Meanwhile, the Democrats gai...
Posted by Bill on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 03:39:00 PST

Clevelander Paul Newman passes

A sad notice that movie screen legend Paul Newman has passed away. Newman mad Midwesterners proud for decades, as a figure in a once substantive and great Hollywood that no longer exists today. We mo...
Posted by Bill on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:13:00 PST

700 Billion ?!! Are you kidding me?

The bad news, I'm told, is that the guys running Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae need a really big loan. I mean, a huge loan, from us, the tax payers. Now, why do they need that kid of dough? It is the big...
Posted by Bill on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 04:05:00 PST

Checking out the Veeps

Hope all had a good Labor Day. Quick: does anyone recall why the day was created? The answer is very important, especially in the Midwest... I have been checking out the choices for VP by both bonehea...
Posted by Bill on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 11:52:00 PST

Is Obama even a U.S. citizen ?

A Plhiladelphia lawyer doesn't think so. He filed suit today againstObama. -in-philadelphia-federal.htmlThis could really be something if proven true. Loo...
Posted by Bill on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 07:53:00 PST

New Initiative For Democracy

This is defintely worth a consideration, for those out there unhappy with the course of government, as I am. Check this site: The premise, which is very logical, is that in a repres...
Posted by Bill on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:23:00 PST

The China Olympics

Hey, Sports Fans, are you enjoying the quadrennial sports festival known as the Summer Olympics. I was actually a pee wee when I saw my first one on TV. 1968. We lived in Texas then and my Mom and Gra...
Posted by Bill on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 05:59:00 PST

Forbes : America’s Dieing Cities

The Midwest owns this list: 8/05/forbes.html?type=rss&cat=&sid=101 This report and list are not so much a somber of review of declining citi...
Posted by Bill on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 06:12:00 PST

Notes on the 2008 Presidential Election

Hey, thought I'd chime in with some observations on the two-man political thing going on. First, the conventions aren't even here yet, and that's a little depressing. For the Dems it should be somethi...
Posted by Bill on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 06:57:00 PST