Opie the Down South Destroyer profile picture

Opie the Down South Destroyer

It's a simple equation folks: Cannibalism x Aplocalypse^2 minus guilt divided by people = Hot Dog Ju

About Me

Online Status Icons I LOVE MY NEPHEWS AND NIECE..... Trey, Caden, Damien, Korbyn, Bailey, Amber and Lucas
Opie is a hard pill to swallow. I'm damn near certifiably insane, hyper, but easy to get along with. At 18 i said screw college and went into the Coast Guard for five great years. I traveled around Alaska, to Hawaii, the Pacific Northwest, Western Canada, California, The Great Lakes region, Eastern Cananda, Up and down the Eastern Seaboard, Bermuda and Europe. So I've seen alot and decided to head home cuz it ain't so bad after all. But those five years were so of the best in my life. Especially the three (96-99) I lived in Rhode Island. I spent most of my time in Providence, Boston and Foxboro (REV ARMY NE FIRM) til I got arrested and banned from Foxboro Stadium for life (at a Revs game and we won that night after a five game losing streak) .... Oh well it's not Foxboro Stadium anymore, so I may head down this season. But I met alot of great people along the way so that's cool as hell. To the old Portland, Providence, Boston, and Rev Army Crews, How the hell are ya??? But then I went home to Maine and after bouncing around from shitty job to shitty job I landed in college. I graduated in Dec '04. HELL YA. Gotta a good job. I'm going on the road with a Plumbing contractor...I've been promoted from Field Safety Technician, to Assistant Safety Director, to Corporate Safety Director, now I'm training to take over the Fire Protection Division. I'm living in Florida now but I'm missing New England. Things are looking good..... I got a wonderful new nephews, Trey and Caden, A great girl, and I've found so many of my old friends on here its crazy. I've used to run a production company called Compound Crew Productions named after the old skinhead house in Portland circa 94-99ish. What Type of Skinhead are You?
You're just a SKINHEAD.ahhhhh. forget all of the labels and the politics, you're just a skinhead plain and simple. that's the best kind.
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My Interests

Music (Oi!, Ska, Punk, hardcore,Rock-abilly, Psycho-billy, Honkey-tonk, etc...), Soccer, Going to Shows, Tattoos, Piercing, Camping, General Chaos, Destruction and Plotting World Domination

I'd like to meet:

Anyone really, mostly old friends
Aol Im: OpieESB
Yahoo: opiedaskinhead
MSN: [email protected]
My World Visitor Map!

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Tiger Army, Stray Cats, Social Distortion, Toots and the Maytals,
DarkBuster, DKM, Lenny and the Piss Poor Boys, Nekromantix,
Two Timen' Three, Bouncing Souls, Andrew WK, The FU's. DOA,
DRI,Hank I, Jr, and III, Johnny Cash, Kings of Nuthin', Razorwire,
Mourningside, Black Flag, Blood for Blood, AFI, Turbonegro, DYS
Rocket from the Crypt, Sheer Terror, Mighty Mighty Bostones, SOD,
The Trouble, Ducky Boys, Anti Heros, Rancid, SSD, Slapsho, MOD,
Lars Frederickson and the Bastards, Big Meat Hammer, Op Ivy
Shane Macgoen, the Popes, Dead Kennedys, Danzig, the Misfits,
Samhain, Flogging Molly, the Business, 13 Ghosts, the Damned,
The Cure, Terror, Rahmallah, Sinners and Saints, the Bruisers, SBC
Gang Green, The Ramones, AC/DC, Against Me, American Nightmare,
A Poor Excuse, Bruce Springsteen, Cocksparrer, Cops and Robbers,
Dwarves, The English Beat, GG Allin and the Jabbers, The Marvels,
The Dents, The Selector, The Shods, Skoidats, Symarip, ec..........etc.................etc............... This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2


Tank Girl
You're Camp Koala! Technically, you're just a stuffed animal. You are
the Hobbs of the TG universe but that doesn't
stop you from being totally insane and having a
good time!

Which Tank Girl Character Are You???
brought to you by Quizilla


As of late I haven't really been watching T.V. (alot of shows on DVD) but when I do I watch stuff like this Adult swim, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Undergrads, Mission Hill, Tripping the Rift, Sealab 2021, Brak Show, SpaceGhost, any thing animation pretty much, Smackdown, Raw, Sunday Night Heat, Velocity, Daily Show, Tough Crowd, South Park, etc.


Calvin and Hobbes collections, Big book of Hell etc..., Graphic Novels and comics like Tank Girl (I have a tank girl tattoo) Lobo, The Walking Dead, Buffy the Long Road Home, Dark Toers Series etc.., Anything by John Irving, anything by Stephen King, anything by Poppy Z. Britz


My Friends and Family

My Blog

Believe it or Not

Florida is starting to feel like home! The camper's shaping up pretty damn quick, our neighbors are cool and I'm hanging with  pretty tight crew. Their some of the most down to earth guys I've hu...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 01:20:00 PST

Another Chapter Closed

Life is good..... Updates soon
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 07:54:00 PST

R.I.P. Keena (AKA Keena Kaka Klaws) AKA One hell of a cat

So this evening was extremely disturbing to say the least.  I got home a little late cuz it's again another stressful day at the salt mines. I got home around 6:30 ate dinner talked shop wit...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 08:02:00 PST

Verdict is in... Thyroid's gotta come out

Well after a year or so of medicine therapy. My thyroid has to come out. I'm not getting any better so that's that. I got to get radiation and then I'll be on meds for evah. Plus if it was hard losing...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 01:13:00 PST

And the rain came down..... Sink, Florida, Sink

So yesterday was the Warped Tour and I have to say, it was one of the best i've been too. It was a lot more laid back than in the past. Especially since most of the bands I wanted to see were on the s...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 08:05:00 PST


Get me off this crazy thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:10:00 PST

The adventures of Damien and Brandon... AKA Home Alone 6

Ok first a little back story....... The players: Damien: my 28 year old brother, he is currently watching Brandon. Brandon: my 15 year old brother, constantly in trouble, Procrastinator Extraordinaire...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 06:15:00 PST

Da'Neil sucks a.k.a. this shit stops here a.k.a. This Blog Kills Fascists

Six things you may not know about me.... The 1st player of this "game" starts with the topic "6 weird habits/things about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog about their 6 weird ...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 05:03:00 PST

A brief catch up and Sleeve Phase 1

So you've heard me bitch about this area, let me fill you in on, what will now and forever be known as PENNSYLTUCKEY!!! I went to a Hub City Stompers show a few weekends back and let me tell you that ...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 05:24:00 PST

The hell of the Holland Tunnel

This saturday I got out of work early and headed to NYC. I haven't beent there in years so it was good to get back. I left Penn around 11:30 and it's a damn good thing I did. I made great time til I h...
Posted by Opie "Natural 20 = Double Damage" Dufour on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 06:37:00 PST