Loving my Love, sharing my life with my love, communicating with my love and giving her what we both need. This is not being unreal if this is who you are, acknowlege your feeling and attract the same.
There aren't any magic words to make you read all of what I have say. Our words have become fossels, empty shells of the days when great lines grabbed hearts. Today, we have lost that magic and have to be self reliant on trust and honesty. We see now, that was Gods plan, to strip us down to the truthful and honest. If you are a very honest, Loving and passionate person, your pursuit is effortless yet, gaining trust seems to be impossible. So many people use words of wisdom, out of context and as a form of excuse not to trust ie., "IF IT SEEMS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS." An easy excuse to not make a connection with your partner for life. Being communicative about what is on the inside, rather than to be trapped on the outside hoping to get in, is one of the most important things to me. This is the foundation of the trust, the very core that controls how we handle stressful situations. When the inner core is happy so is the outer core and though you can't put your finger on it, you suddenly feel good about it. These principals have taught me how to climb the highest of walls to reach the heart of a person. Standing firm outside the gate and saranade with flowers till they open. I am a "Hearts and Flowers Romantic," It's no secret that I am searching for my "Last Love," and though the theory is to not search, I cannot live in denial. I perform love songs to so many people, that it keeps the thought fresh in my mind of one day performing love songs to one.
I enjoy all sorts of music and appreciate the effort that goes into the music as well. I have in the last few years been listening to alot of jazz and classics I guess for the passion in the songs. View my page on THE JAZZ NETWORK
Being an Entertainer/actor allows me to appreciate movies from both sides of the camera. At home in a warm bed cuddling with my Love, sets any movie on fire, what could be more enjoyable than seeing a performance and bringing it to life, together, between the sheets or no sheets ;)
I have to say that I am not a big on conventional TV unless I am watching a movie with you in my arms. Not big on changing channels, I like to watch something that holds my intertest for a long length of time, maybe if you dance in front of the TV now that would hold my interest.
I love books, but they have to be very interesting or I will fall to sleep for sure.
Jesus Christ