"(Fred) is an asshole." - every one of Fred’s ex-girlfriends.
"wtf are you talking about??........ insensitive asshole" - some kid Fred went to high school with.
"Misogonyst grind is a total waste of time and nothing to take seriously.... we are not down with the hate." - some crappy grindcore band from Texas.
"Delete me from your friends list NOW." - the singer from Misericordiam, a horrible deathcore band.
"what the fuck does bayi have to do with george bush/kanye west/blacks/gays/liberals etc... anyway
u seem to have an awful lot of rants about a whole lot of unassociated and boring bullshit that bears little to no relevance to anything u seem to be involved in! haha or are u just a major shit stirrer?" - a fan in New Zealand.
"its fucking offensive...wat if we cal your god fucking piece of shit?" - some muslim crybaby after we posted the danish cartoons mocking Mohammud.
"JESUS is aCUNT! u fucking loser"/"fucking cunt! loser.... " - same muslim crybaby after I told him we were athiests and didn’t give a fuck about god.
It all started as a one man digi-noise project back in late 2002. Now it’s a 2 man grindcore band with Mike on guitar and Fred on vocals and both doing drum programming. We’re from central Virginia. There have been more albums, EP’s, splits and compilation appearances from this band than we care to count and maybe 100 people have heard any of them at one time or another. We don’t bree, wear girl pants and make-up or write songs consisting only of muted E chords. We don’t play shows, we don’t have ANY merchandise available, we typically don’t respond to messages or comments and it’s all because we’re extremely busy guys. You’ll live. We also HATE what the digi-grind scene has become. Boys, cut your bangs.
Fred rocks out as the sole guitarist in The Leviathan’s Mandible and gets all post-rock/indie/shoegazey by himself with Gaels .
Michael gets really drunk and does everything in Sell Your Lungs .