├ÐİGİ┤ profile picture


dont follow in my footsteps / I walk into walls

About Me

Yes - most people call me " Digi "... my Wife calls me "Ski", her children call me "Nanny McSki," Mikey A. calls me "BTD" and my friend David calls me "Iztaccihuatl" (which translates to his favorite "white girl").. but my given name is Dana .

I used to be quite the party kid until the scene died years ago. I still know how to have a good time out with friends, and head to the city every opportunity I get. One of my passions is dancing... I have no technical skill, but this broad gets down.

I am the founder (and sole member) of Static Industries - Design and Promotion. If you are an artist of any kind and are looking for someone to promote the hell out of you or create a website - I am the broad for you!!

I also think everything looks better through Foxfire colored lenses.

DigiTube:: Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros

((view Blog .071
for Details))

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Favorite movie of all time is "Tommy" , the rock opera by The Who. Tommy Walker is a character that I have most related to ever since I was a really small girl. My father used to play the vinyls for me when I was going to bed. I know every chorus, every note, every pause. I can almost recite the entire thing, from "Overture" to "We're Not Gonna Take It," without hesitation. There has not been one viewing where I did not shed at least one tear or had my hair raise up on end. Never before has a movie ever touched me in the way that Tommy has. The movie and its music will always will be the soundtrack of my life. But on a less sentimental note, I enjoy Troma movies, Labyrinth, Howard the Duck, the Crow, Pulp Fiction, Kids, Clerks (pretty much all Kevin Smith flicks), Usual Suspects, etc etc etc.


Wonders of Surgery, armless bordello, HBO's stumphouse


"Still Life With Woodpecker" - Tom Robbins


My Blog

.085 Ask Digi 93:: spokane craigslist post

Weird Broad Visits Spokane On Business. News @ 11. - w4m(Nov 07, 2007)Why hello there. First off, I would like to let you all know that I dont plan on being six feet under for at least another twenty ...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 02:50:00 PST

.084 Digis Guide To Tour Life

    taken in a Denver bathroom   So I hear that you're interested in throwing away your professional life and joining the troupe for some in-your-face, jet-setting tour experiences.&n...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 09:09:00 PST

.083 A Very Conoco Thanksgiving

 Thanksgiving barely seems like a holiday when you are alone and thousands of miles from your family.  The hotel offered an amazing feast for $40 which included ::Relish PlatterMarinated & G...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 07:08:00 PST

.082 Sex Cells

Riverfront Park.  Great Place to Chill. As the crew of able-travelling Disneyers headed to Vancouver, Rachel Spangler and I shacked up in our own room for the night, ready to go our own ways...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:58:00 PST

.081 Three Cities Down : Portland, OR / Everett & Seattle, WA

aerial view of the EMP building My first week in Portland was that of introductions - meeting back up with old tour friends, meeting new ones and mourning the ones who didn't return.  My new trav...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 11:41:00 PST

.080 Day One Complete. Portland, Oregon

view from the Red Lion Hotel My last night in Michigan turned out to be a wild one... "wet and wild" actually.  I ended up missing my flight out of Flint and barely made it out from Detroit....
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 02:22:00 PST

.079 leaving on a jet plane / future kidnappings West Coast style

Alas, the time has come and I will be shipping off once again with Disney On Ice. I've enjoyed my time back at home, but the open road is calling... well, screaming for me. I have 18 more days until...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 01:13:00 PST

.078 scribbled and sloshed (EAP)

I haven't been introduced to great amounts of poetry in my time, but of that I've read (and understood) this is my all-time favorite.I've written this poem many times on walls, notebooks, whiteboards....
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 05:09:00 PST

.077 GUSTO takes a crack at sweet little Dana

Professor Gusto finally decided to create a blog, "The Gusto Institute," chocked full of wit and gentleman charm.  Its kind of like the 2004 "Rockin' It Like Digi" courses I taught... so if you s...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 09:29:00 PST

.076 cross country hate

I have a passion for making mood inspired playlists.  This one in particular has been playing for months. Cross Country Hate: A Collection Of Soft Jams To Kill Yourself To  The Postal Servic...
Posted by Ð0G0$ on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 03:04:00 PST