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the un in fun

About Me

i don't think julie's feelin' john in fact i want to help her because she looks really scared. c'mon john she's only 16.

/ / '

My Interests

dancing A#1 poopystuff a.k.a: egd-love-Geographic Information Systems- bridging the gap between my intent and actions-out o control, rock & roll-dancing-trying to find a happy medium between very excited and really dissapointed-maintaining peace in my life-writing dreams down-believing you can google an answer to anything-going to weddings-finally sleeping without NyQuil-succeeding on occasion to say things with disciplined emotion-having faith that everything will work out as it should-kissing foreheads-kissing blindly-painting portraits and other stuff-smelling flowers-observing human interaction-interacting sometimes-hugging with a big rrrrr-diy culture-quiet rooms-loud music-loving shit in general-looking for something to appreciate-appreciating what is-writing about adventures down to crazytown...

I'd like to meet:

well, duh jooohnn teshhh. I have to consider the restraining order though. I definitely think it was john's way of telling me that his life is too busy right now but when his career slows down and he has time to completely devout himself to me, he will.

In the meantime I wouldn't mind meeting sf neighbors who want to make stuff and paint. I'm working on a shoji screen so if u know an easier way than I do I think that we should be friends.

also if you're one to stand in corners or drink with your head down because you were a shy child come sit next to me i was once a really shy child too so we already have one thing in common. if you're anything like me then i know what you'll do later and in all honesty, i've found that talking with a real human is way better than throwing your voice in a room full of dolls or closing your eyes and acting like your the blind member of the beverly hills 90210 rerun that you're listening to...okay so it may not be way better but it's kind of more sane, right?


I have a guitar that I won't pretend to know how to play and a keyboard that I pretend to know how to play when no one is around (but I really don't know how to play), so I am no music maker but if I could make music I think I would make freakish mtn music ranging somewhere between music that can make u shake your hips like u are drunk at a gypsy circus to funeral songs you'd have played while you drown your naked lungs in a dirty river but since I can't play I sure LOVE to listen to this sort of music as well as: BOWIE, Velvet Underground, T Rex, THE ROLLING STONES, Modern Lovers, Bob Dylan, TELEVISION, Elton John, QUEEN, X, Elastica, New Order, Depeche Mode, the Smiths, Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, the Cure, OMD, Runaways, Karen Finley, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Nick Drake, Johnny Cash, Rod Stewart, Donovan, Leonard Cohen, shigeru umebayashi, Pink Floyd, Iron & Wine, The Beatles, Ween, LED ZEPPELIN, The Who, Freddie Mercury, Hendrix, Catpower, Cat Stevens, Van Morrison, Tom Waits, Murder City Devils, Turbo Negro, the Hellacopters, 60's French pop: Serge Gainsbroug, Bridget Bardot, Jane Birkin, 70's NY: The Ramones, NY Dolls, Patti Smith, Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers, Talking Heads, Le Tigre, Radiohead, Peaches, Ladytron, David Devant & His Spirit Wife, Big Star, Spiritualized, Elliot Smith, She Wants Revenge and really any project that Adam touches, Antony & the Johnsons, PJ Harvey, Magnetic Fields, the North Atlantic, Manuok, Jean Paul Special, lovelikefire , Mark Mallman, mud , , Plural... clk*PLURAL*clk and my lovely housemate Kerry that I am lucky enough to hear her sing with her amazing voice everyday: check her out here: KERRY clk*KERRYclk*


its been awhile


Books: not in any particular order just particularly:
Griffin and Sabine by Nick Bantock
The Witching Hour, Cry to Heaven, The Vampire Chronicles, The Sleeping Beauty Novels by Anne Rice
Choke & Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams,
Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt
Me Talk Pretty One Day, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris
Madame Bovary by Gustave Fluabert
Love is a Dog from Hell, Women, The Most Beautiful Woman in Town and other stories , Poems Written Before Jumping out of an 8 Story Window, Post Office, by Charles Bukowski
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton
White Nights by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Delta Of Venus by Anais Nin,
The picture of Dorian Grey, The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar WildePoetry of Sappho,
Poetry of rumi
Tropic of Cancer & Tropic of Capricorn by Henry Miller, Trip Trap: Haiku on the Road from SF to NY, San Francisco Blues by Jack Kerouac,brFahrenheit 451 by ray Bradbury, The Dead Zone, The Shining by Stephen King.
Dream Dictionaries, Magic Books, Books on Religion, Fodor's Travel GuidesCook Books etc.

My Blog

last night

When I first saw Tracy, she was standing on the corner of 5th and University, wearing a leopard print jacket, on her talking on her cell phone. I had just picked my ex-boyfriend Isaiah from work and w...
Posted by kristen on Tue, 01 May 2007 05:19:00 PST


And sometimes we find a place to belong Even if only for a few hours During laughter and stories replaying history And walks through parks And moments prior to anything else other than what is Noth...
Posted by kristen on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 08:07:00 PST

you see, i saw...

your skincontains,restrains,obtainsimaginationsomehow my lipstongueteethin your palmbelongdefensesundressedconfessunlessstrangerpartsaren't sosoftyou seei sawrestlessfreehungryeyesyou seei sawgent...
Posted by kristen on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 09:03:00 PST

because i'm selfish.

i want you to feel safe with mebecause I have never felt safe with anyonei want to give before you askbecause I can't ask for anythingi want to get up and leavebecause I don't want to know when you've...
Posted by kristen on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:16:00 PST

100 reasons to smile.

the intro to blackbird. sappho. sun-sprinkled-rainy-day-clouds. big brown child eyes. vulnerability. honesty. kindness. relentless wide open revealing eyes. imperfection. scars and stories. meeting ne...
Posted by kristen on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 05:18:00 PST

dear diary,

today I didn't get struck by lightening, maybe God doesn't hate me.  
Posted by kristen on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:15:00 PST

Standing on a puzzle piece.

Danica & I were talking this morning about starting a book club. I really want to make this happen. I know that I should read more, exercise more, and do more things that enhance my well-being but...
Posted by kristen on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 07:22:00 PST

JUNE 1 ....

So I have the same birthday as Marilyn Monroe, I think that is why we look so much alike but that is neither here nor there but it is coming up in a week and I am being asked what I want and I keep r...
Posted by kristen on Thu, 25 May 2006 11:35:00 PST

a sentence about you.

You asked of me a favor and it may have been the first, the first favor since we first met which has only been a short amount of time really, short enough to love you, from day one, slowly you unfold ...
Posted by kristen on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:55:00 PST

sharing a box full of bad jewelry...

composed, communal,just like a songfunny, innocent,hopefully, I will be like her one day.beautiful,simple  just beautiful. we speak the same language edited by our own experiencesand I understan...
Posted by kristen on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 01:34:00 PST