"Music should be healing, music should uplift the soul, music should inspire; then there is no better way of getting closer to God, of rising higher towards the spirit, of attaining spiritual perfection, than music, if only it is rightly understood." - The Sufi Hazrat Kahn
- When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.
Jimi Hendrix.
solarlion is a manifestation of magnetic attraction positve, working to unify the dividing and limiting with soulsonic force and a baptism in bass and tone poetry, replacing the hate with a grinning face, twisted sonic alchemy, and a vibe you can feel... love and positive intention manifest space liberation infinite for the highest good of all beings ...
even when alone in the woods and stars are falling silence deep... the mandalas 4th dimensional keep spinning by divine grace...
i seek to know all Truth and share it as spontaneous flow scat on electro stutter glitch, in the pause I dive in to the Source of solfield, unlimited potential energy en route to a state change, form shift, experience uplift and positive evolution brethren, sistren, I and I all be One under sun and drum.
special request to all artists:
we are all on a path of personal progression
humble your Self and be grateful for the gift of life
for the talents you have been blessed with
for the breaths you take ...
it saddens me to see some of the most progressive
'conscious' artists ... still falling prey to ego tricks
and trips ... for the good of all, keep it humble
and positive, yo ... you don't need a big ego
to be successful ... nor do you need bling, boasting
and bragging ... jus' need love, understanding, conscious
expressions of Truth ... the Truth is that we are all connected
as One in a tapestry mosaic of woven energy rainbows ...
so please, humble yourself in the true 'ness of your heart
and let the music do the speaking
in a good way, in a way that benefits all beings ...
set the intention for the posItive upliftment of the world
with gratitude.
Say each one 10 times, one with each rotation:
I bless this day and give thanks for my life
I forgive completely all people who have hurt me
I ask all people I have hurt to please forgive me
I apologize to myself for my wrongs to myself and my wrongs to others
I apologize for all my hurts or wrongs to all life forms
With this release, freedom, peace, power and new life I bless all creation in the entire universe and I fill the entire universe with my love infinite.
I love and bless the earth, All life, and all Humanity
I love bless and respect the visible and the invisible.
I rejoice and give thanks for my new life, power and health and give complete blessing and love to all life, always.
Sunday morning at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s church in Atlanta.
"Music is the pathway to the heart." - Voltaire
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery